How to Keep Your House Clean in a Pandemic

How to Keep Your House Clean in a PandemicWe spend a lot more time in our homes during the Covid-19 pandemic due to lockdown measures. Of course, as much as we all enjoy a nice clean home, it is also really important during this time to keep on top of the cleaning more than ever before. As we are spending more time at home, it also means some deep cleaning is required. Here we have compiled the must-have products for your home scrub downs to keep the home squeaky clean.

Alcohol Sanitizing Gel

Best kept by your front door, hand sanitizer is essential to stay safe and stay clean after each arrival and departure to and from the home. Your home is your safe space and who wouldn’t want to keep it that way? Each time a person returns home from being outside, whether it is for grocery shopping or working in the essential industries, it is the most effective and easiest way to keep everyone’s hands sanitized and bacteria/virus free. You can also purchase on-the-go hand sanitizing gel to be kept in your car or handbags for those keeping extra safe to use each time you have been in and out of public places.

Antibacterial Cleansing Wipes

Antibacterial cleaning wipes are a must-have in the home as they are so easy to use and disposable after one quick use. They are great for surfaces all around the house whether they are for bathrooms or kitchens. They usually have a 99% elimination rate for bacteria and viruses, which makes them ideal for wiping down groceries after unbagging them. There are many brands of wipes with all kinds of different fragrances or non-fragrance types, so you’re bound to find something that suits your personal taste.


Disinfectant is a must when it comes to floors. There are many different types of disinfectant that are perfect for mopping floors as they usually have a nice fragrance as well as the ability to deep clean and kill all bacteria and viruses. They are great for pet owners, as we all know pets are prone to having the occasional accident and there is nothing more convenient or strong enough than to quickly use disinfectant for the mess. You can find medical-grade disinfectant at


For those extensive deep cleaning days, bleach is definitely a must. Bleach is used for disinfecting and sterilizing surfaces to kill bacteria, viruses, and even algae which makes it very useful for any damp areas that may be prone to mold build-up. Bleach can be used on toilets and sides of bathtubs as they are usually highly bacterial areas. Damp houses are usually kept in check with bleach to prevent mold build-up on walls and ceilings as well as the use of dehumidifiers.

The most important tip during your pandemic clean down is to make sure highly touched areas are cleaned and sanitized such as surfaces, door handles, and stairway rails. Whether you live with family, roommates, or even if you live alone, it is important to stay safe and keep your hands clean to stop the spread of any bacteria or viruses.