We wanted to take a few minutes today to wish all of the readers of the TwoClassyChics blog a Happy New Year! Can you believe it? It’s January 1st, 2021. I’m really praying that 2021 will be a much better year than 2020. I don’t know about all of you but I’m ready for winter to get over with and springtime to arrive. I hate being cooped up indoors!
Today we’ll be celebrating the New Year with a traditional pork roast, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes dinner. After we fill our bellies we’ll be spending some time watching a movie together. Since we can’t go to the theater right now, the theater is coming to us! Hubby purchased 3 new musicals for us to watch on DVD. Yeah!
I love when major holidays fall on a Friday or Monday giving us 3-day holiday weekends. Tomorrow I’ll be starting on my 2021 to-do list. Every year I make a list of things I want to clean-up or do around the house. Last year I didn’t get everything completed due to surgery and my injury so my list this year is quite long. I’m on a mission to get everything done…sooner the better.
That reminds me…do you make New Year’s Resolutions? We make goals and lists of things we want to do and complete…reasonable things that we know we can obtain. I don’t believe in making wild resolutions that would stress me out and give me a headache.
Happy New Year 2021
Happy New Year! I try to set goals rather than resolutions. One of my goals is to try one new recipe a week. I feel like I just keep making the same dinners over and over. Hope you are feeling better!
That’s one of my goals for this year too! A new recipe every week…doesn’t matter if its for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert, whatever. Today for lunch I’m making homemade onion rings and we’re going to use them in a grilled cheese sandwich recipe. I’ll blog it if it tastes good 🙂
Happy New Year! My goal is to swim 3 times a week. Only been able to do twice a week since July.
Happy New Year to you and yours. As a senior I really hope 2021 is a lot better then last year. If and when we get the shots hopefully life can start back up. As much time as I have spend at home you would think I would have the cleanest and organized apartment…………… BUT NO
About all I do is make list and check off a few things…………………. HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has a better year than last.
Happy New Year to you. I hope that this new year will bring good things to us all. I stopped making New Years resolutions a long time ago they always seemed to stress me out.
I have an ongoing list that is for the entire year. This year has been different because the pandemic has made some things more difficult to do. A happier and healthier hew year to all off us.