Have You Ever Caught Yourself Doing One of These 10 Things? You Might Have OCD

Have You Ever Caught Yourself Doing One of These 10 Things? You Might Have OCDDo you think you may be living with the OCD condition? While we all probably do things from time to time that might seem a little compulsive, the condition may be limiting you more than you think. However, by understanding the signs, you can see whether or not you’re affected by it and if you are, then you can start making changes to make your life a little easier and a little more relaxing.

Here are the ten things you may have done that could be a sign you’re living with OCD.

1. Checking Things Over and Over

Perhaps the most common trait of OCD, if you find yourself checking locked doors, making sure the oven is off, or light switches are turned off, and so on, this may be an indication you have OCD.

2. Overly Organized

While there’s nothing wrong with being organized to a degree, if it’s becoming obsessive and taking up an abnormal amount of time in your day to make sure everything is in the right place, this trait could be holding you back more than being beneficial to you.

3. Continuously Washing Your Hands

If you find yourself washing your hands over and over again, this can be a sign that you have OCD. While it’s all well and good to wash your hands regularly, especially during the times of COVID-19, if your fear of germs is higher than average or you have thoughts of being impure or infected, this can be a telltale sign. Just be mindful of whether your fears are irrational.

4. Counting Everything

There are many people with OCD who have the habit of counting everything, whether that’s steps you walk, steps you climb going upstairs, and more. While it can be normal for passing the time, if your counting is distracting, this is when it could be a problem.

5. Needing Constant Reassurance

People with OCD live in a near-constant state of anxiety and will constantly need reassurance to bring them back to square one. A healthy person should be able to reassure themselves, so if you find yourself constantly needing from others, it may be time to look inwards.

6. Taboo Sexual Thoughts

We all have dark and disturbing thoughts now and then that may cross some boundaries and may not be acceptable, but usually, we can shrug these away. If you can’t, and you have repeating thoughts, or you forcefully try to avoid them, then you’ll want to get help. This is one of the benefits of telehealth therapy and how it can help you.

7. Cleaning all the Time

Hand in hand with the washing your hand’s point, if you find yourself wanting to clean your house over and over again, even when it’s cleaned to an acceptable standard already, this is a sign. If you find yourself cleaning for hours and hours every day and still not being satisfied that it’s right, you may want to think about getting help.

8. Obsessing Over Partners

While falling in love with someone or breaking up with them may cause a little bit of obsession, if these relationships are defining you as a person or a break up is leaving you obsessively thinking you’re a bad person and have done something wrong, this is a telltale sign of OCD.

9. Scared of the Outside World

Sure, the world can be a scary place, but if you have irrational fears that you’re going to be hurt by being outside, perhaps mugged or attacked, or you’re constantly paranoid, then these are limiting beliefs you don’t need.

10. Hating Yourself

The anxiety of being by yourself, judging how you look, or focusing on the negative parts of you, such as appearance and weight, can be a clear sign you have OCD, especially if you’re thinking irrationally.


While plenty of these OCD signs may seem like normal traits, the most important thing to ask yourself is whether your thoughts are helping you and providing benefit in your life, or whether they’re holding you back, irrational, and causing problems. If so, this is the time when you’ll want to get help.