Getting Out for a Countryside Drive and Visiting Small Hometowns

Getting Out for a Countryside Drive and Visiting Small HometownsFor the past several months indoor activities have been limited for most of us thanks to the pandemic. With that said, that doesn’t mean you have to lock yourself up and live like a hermit. Nope, not at all.

Every month we’ve been packing a little cooler with lunch, beverages and a few snacks. We then jump into the car and go for a drive. You can find all kinds of outdoor places to visit within a short drive from your home.

Getting Out for a Countryside Drive and Visiting Small Hometowns

We like driving through the countryside and visiting small hometowns along the way. If you do a little research ahead of time you can map out your route and look for interesting places to visit. Think about visiting a local farm, farmer’s markets, outdoor flea markets, yard sales in a small town, checking out old courthouses, veteran’s memorials, pick-your-own fruit orchards, taking a walk along a creek or river, hiking, visiting old covered bridges, etc.

On one such adventure we drove through some of Pennsylvania’s beautiful farm country. We saw beautiful old barns, silos, fruit orchards, veggie crop fields, Amish horse and buggies, cows & horses out in the pasture and all kinds of cool things. We spotted wildlife along the way too! Take your binoculars and a camera along with you because you never know what you may see.

Getting Out for a Countryside Drive and Visiting Small Hometowns

These little “road trips” have really helped us to deal with the pandemic and having limited activities to do. The fresh air and sunshine has helped us to stay sane! The real benefit/bonus is that we’ve gotten out for some physical activity and seen some beautiful places that we didn’t know existed.  We enjoy spending time together!

The next time you’re bored and don’t know what to do…get into the car and take a little drive through the countryside. Pick an area that you’ve never been to or one that you haven’t seen in a long time. Take a spouse or friend along with you for the company. We highly recommend it.

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