Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Happy ThanksgivingWe wanted to take a few minutes out of our day to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. It’s been a tough year for many of us but through all of that we still have a lot to be thankful for.
Personally I’m thankful for my husband, children, and our family & friends. I’m thankful that we’re fairly healthy and can spend time together.

After getting through a trying and difficult year what are you thankful for? Do you have any plans for the holiday? What’s your favorite holiday dish? We’re serving turkey and ham along with mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus, buttered corn, homemade corn bread pudding, biscuits, gravy, sweet potatoes, etc. For dessert we’ll enjoy pumpkin pie, apple pie and mom’s peach cobbler. We’ll be eating leftovers for days!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!