Canning Homemade Apple Butter
Last month we took the grandchildren out apple picking at a local orchard. Every year we like to go and pick a few bushels of apples. I like to make homemade apple butter, apple sauce and apple pie filling that I can for use during the winter season. I like to use some of them to make apple crisp, apple bread and apple dumplings too! Yes, it’s apple season in the northeast!
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When I make homemade apple butter I follow the recipe in my Ball Blue Book of Home Canning. It’s my tried and true trusted source for all things canning! I typically make 2 batches over the course of a weekend. It does take time to make so patience will be needed but your results will be well worth your effort. The recipe will make approximately 6 half-pint or 3 pint size jars.
Tip: Use an apple corer and peeler when working with fresh apples. It makes the process quick, safe and you waste LESS apple compared to peeling and coring with a knife.
Apple Butter Recipe
4 lbs. apples (12-16 medium sized apples)
2 cups water
4 cups granulated sugar
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. cloves
Prep: Wash apples, drain. Core, peel and remove seeds. Cut apples into quarters. Toss them into a large saucepan or stock pot.
Cook: Combine apples and water in a large pan. Cook at a simmer until soft. Puree mixture using a food mill or blender. Measure 2 quarts of apple pulp, return to saucepan. Add sugar and spices, stirring until it dissolves. Cook at a gentle boil over medium heat until mixture is thick enough to mound on a spoon. This will typically take me 30-45 minutes. Make sure you stir it often to prevent sticking and scorching. If mixture gets too thick, add a small amount of water or apple juice for desired consistency. Remove from heat.
Fill: Ladle mixture into a hot jar, leaving 1/4″ headspace. Remove air bubbles, add the seal and ring until its fingertip tight. Place jar on the rack elevated over simmering water in your water bath canner. Continue until all jars are filled.
Process: Lower the rack into the simmering water. Place the lid on top. The water needs to cover the top of the jars by at least 1″ depth. Adjust heat to medium-high and bring the water to a rolling boil. Process half-pint jars or pint jars for 10 minutes. Use a timer so that you’re accurate on your processing time. Turn off heat and remove the lid. Let jars cool for 5 minutes. Remove jars from canner using a jar lifter, being careful to not burn yourself. Let jars cools to room temperature. Label and store jars in a cool, dry place.
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