Vaping: How Safe Is It for Your Oral Health?

How Safe Is Vaping for Your Oral HealthAs many people are turning from smoking cigarettes, pipes, and cigars, they are turning to other alternatives like tobacco free nicotine pouches, electronic cigarettes, and vapes. Vaping has become popular across the Americas and in other parts of the world, and many places that wouldn’t allow cigarette smoking will make room for those who vape.

However, the underlying question is, how safe is vaping really when a person has to consider his or her oral health? This is a question that will be addressed in this article, offering some of the perspectives from dentists all over.

Getting Perspectives from Dentists about Vaping

To get the maximum protection and information about oral care, a person may want to do as one person did, which is seeking a “Dentist Near Me,” to get his perspective on vaping and dental health. Dentists say that vaping may actually not be safer than tobacco smoke, contrary to what was popularly assumed. People assumed that because there is no presence of tar or other toxic substances in vaping, it is safer. But, the design of the E-cigarette has aroused suspicion as to its overall safety for the user, and here are some facts that should be known.

More about Vaping Issues

It should be understood that nicotine, which is found in the use of E-cigarettes and tobacco creates a problem for oral health. The vapors from E-cigarettes cause an interruption in the mouth’s bacterial environment, creating an imbalance between the harmful and the good bacteria. Since nicotine can lead to gum disease, E-cigarette vapors can also lead to a person contracting gum disease. While tobacco and the substances found in tobacco can cause health problems for people who use it, such as oral cancers, the evidence now also suggests that E-cigarette vapors can lead to the same type of situation.

Continuing to Look at Vaping Issues

Back in 2019, more than 800 cases of severe lung disease were reported and all of those who reported the condition had used vaping methods. Exactly which vaping device caused these issues or if there were other extenuating circumstances is not clear, but users were warned to not modify the E-cigarette devices they were using. They were also told to not purchase any of these devices off the street and to always monitor their health, especially their oral health. More studies are being conducted on the use of E-cigarettes and other similar devices and their relationship to oral health decline.

A Final Word about Oral Health and Vaping Devices

There will still be people who see vaping as much safer than regular smoking, regardless of the statistics that are reported. There will still be people who will use the vaping devices despite the stern recommendations from their dentists or oral surgeons. The only good thing that can be said about vaping from a health standpoint is that it has not been shown to affect other people around those who vape, such as second-hand smoke will do. People should continue to seek their dentist for the treatment of any oral conditions they have and to especially let their dentist know if they are vaping, smoking, or doing anything else with tobacco products. The patient and the dentist together can come up with a solution to help prevent further spread of oral diseases.