Gynecomastia Surgery: What to Expect & Recovery Tips

Gynecomastia SurgeryWhen the male breasts develop excess tissue that results in swelling, it may be imperative that the patient undergoes Gynecomastia Surgery. Typically, the male breast will enlarge as a result of an imbalance between the female estrogen hormone and the male testosterone hormone. The imbalance stimulates the growth of the breast tissue and may result in the swelling around the pectoral area. Also, the problem could also be caused by a medical condition that results in the disruption of the hormone balance or excessive use of recreational drugs or alcohol.

Luckily, Gynecomastia could be corrected through surgery. The procedure removes the excessive tissues that make the male breast to enlarge.

What to expect after the surgery

After 3 days, the patient is likely to experience tenderness and pain in the chest. They may also feel some discomfort that requires some management. In some cases, the patient may feel numbness and decreased feelings. Luckily, such pain and discomfort could be managed by the use of pain medication.

Alternatively, the patient may use a compression garment to minimize the discomfort and pain. Besides, the garment helps the affected area to heal. Doctors recommend that a patient who has undergone the surgery should take bed rest. Also, they should avoid showering within 24 hours and must sleep on their back.

Recovery tips

Although the condition may cause a lot of angst in one’s life, it takes just about 24 hours for the patient to feel better once the surgery has been performed. But this is only possible if you adhere to the following:

Ensure to wear a compression garment after 4weeks for a period of not less than 5 weeks.

You may start using rolling techniques after 3 weeks but continue to apply the techniques up to 6th week.

If you feel bumps around the breast, ensure you massage them using your fingers.

Do not drink excessive fluids than is necessary.

Do not engage in strenuous or any activity that is likely to increase the body’s blood pressure.

Exercising could only be commenced after two weeks but ensure you don’t involve your chest.

Your shoulders and back should be kept in the upright position as this posture will help to reduce the pressure exerted on the chest.

Some of you may feel that these tips are just intended to subject the gyno surgery patient to unnecessary torture. However, this is not true. It gives them a chance to get the best results after the surgery.

Typically, healing will occur in about 6 weeks after the procedure. But how fast you heal will depend on how you take care of yourself. Complete healing may take one and a half years so ensure to take good care of yourself.

Of course, you may resume your day to day activities after two days but ensure you do not engage in strenuous activities. Also, don’t lower your body cardio too much within the first two weeks after the surgery. Lastly, if your life is dependent on working out, you may only resume training after 4 weeks.