Dollar Tree Laundry Detergent Challenge

I admit it, I’m a laundry detergent snob. For the past decade I’ve been using 2 name brand laundry detergents because I like how well they clean and how nice our clothing smells after laundering them. The one thing that I didn’t like was the price.

Last month a friend of mine was telling me how she buys her laundry detergent from Dollar Tree and only pays $1.00 per bottle. Say what? Only a dollar? Yes indeed! She told me that this liquid laundry detergent works just as well as many of the name brand competitors out in the retail marketplace. She told me her family’s clothing comes out clean and smelling fresh with each load.

LA's Totally Awesome 2-in-1 Laundry Detergent plus Fabric Softener from Dollar Tree

My friend challenged me to try the LA’s Totally Awesome 2-in-1 Laundry Detergent plus Fabric Softener from Dollar Tree. There are other varieties available like unscented, scented and with or without fabric softener. Each bottle will clean 32 loads of laundry.

I decided to take her up on that challenge and for the past 12 days I’ve been using that laundry detergent and admit…I love it!!! Does it smell as nice as brand G that I’ve used for years. I admit, no. But it does smell fresh and clean. Does it clean as well as brand T? Well, I believe it does!

LA's Totally Awesome 2-in-1 Laundry Detergent plus Fabric Softener from Dollar Tree

What is really cool is that I haven’t had to add extra fabric softener or use dryer sheets at all. Our clothes are clean, smell nice and there has been no static cling at all. It has done a great job at cleaning my hubby’s work clothes, our regular household laundry and so forth. Absolutely no complaints from me. None!

I wish I had tried their laundry detergent a lot sooner. I typically pay $4.89 to $7.98 per bottle at the grocery store depending on which of the 2 name brands I buy and if they’re on sale or I have a coupon. Boy…was I wasting money over the years! Sigh.

For those of you who are looking to save money…I recommend that you give the LA’s Totally Awesome Laundry Detergent from Dollar Tree a try. Is it the best out in the retail marketplace? Of course not…but it’s right up there with the good ones!

Shelly's Signature

Disclaimer: The writer is sharing her 100% unbiased opinion with the readers of the TwoClassyChics blog. No product or monetary compensation was received. The product mentioned was personally purchased by the writer.