Board Games That Teach Girls Life Skills

Board Games That Teach Girls Life SkillsDo you love board games? If you do, have you considered investing in age-appropriate board games for your children? Sometimes, the most effective way for girls to learn is through authentic, immediate experiences that leave them yearning for more. If your little girl loves games, you’ll discover that board games for girls are entertaining, exciting, engaging, and provide fertile ground for developing life skills.


If there is a board game that demands focus, planning, foresight, and logical thinking skills, chess takes the cake. This board has existed for more than 500 years and is one of the most popular strategy games.

Chess players exercise both sides of their brains, so it promotes brain growth. Studies have also shown that people who play chess see a significant increase in their IQ scores. Besides the mental work out, chess will leave your daughter with important life lessons.

Even when things get tough, chess players never give up because they know sometimes it takes one move to turn things around. Instead of giving up when life gets tough, she will keep searching for a solution, just like she did whenever she played chess.

Settlers of Catan

This board game requires multiple players, so your daughters will learn the importance of social interaction and how to exercise patience when it is someone else’s turn to play. The board shows the map of Catan, and players are required to gather resources to build cities, settlements, and roads. At the onset, this game shows girls that they can do anything in life, and there are no jobs that are designated for boys.

Some of the resources available include wood, stone, bricks, grain and sheep. Players are expected to manage the resources appropriately to avoid wastage. In some cases, another player may have the resources your daughter needs, so she will need to negotiate with the player.

However, your daughter will also learn that some deals are not worth it, especially if gaining the resources means she will lose the game. This board game introduces your daughter to cost-benefit analysis early in life, and she can build on this knowledge and skill because she will need to use it often in life.

Cashflow 101

This board game will teach your daughter financial literacy and discipline. It has two tracks, the rat race and the fast track. The aim is to get your daughter to move to the fast track from the rat race after learning several financial lessons.

Some of the skills she will learn from this game include knowing the difference between assets and liabilities, proper record keeping to keep track of her cash flow, and the best way to analyze financial risks before investing. She will also learn the value of budgeting before spending.


Monopoly is most likely the longest board game in history, so the first lesson your daughter will learn is patience! Fortunately, this game eventually pays off because she will learn how to manage her money and the consequences of poor financial decisions. She will learn about investments and the importance of timing when buying and selling property.

Board games are important tools that can be used to impart knowledge to children, as young as eight years of age. Parents can use board games to introduce life skills that will come handy when they need to make life-changing decisions.


  1. I really liked this post when I read the title of it I quickly clicked on it. I never new that chess taught all of these skills I am so going to learn how to play now. Some of these games I have not heard of so now I want to check them out. Monopoly has always been one of my overall favorite games.