What are the Best Things About Turning 50
Not everyone likes the idea of turning 50. There is something very significant about this age, even if it’s only a vague idea and nothing concrete, and this can be a concern. A lot of people can feel rather down about getting to this ‘half a century’ milestone, but this is the wrong way of looking at things. Instead, turning 50 should be a celebration; after all, it’s not a birthday that everyone gets to enjoy.
If you’re feeling anxious about your fiftieth birthday, here are some reminders of why this is a great age to be and all the things you can do now you’ve got there.
You Know Yourself
By the time you get to 50, you really will know yourself very well indeed. You’ll understand exactly what it is you like and dislike, what makes you happy, what triggers your anger or sadness. In other words, you will finally have got to a point in life where decisions are easier to make because you know exactly what you really feel about things.
This kind of freedom is not easy to find in earlier life. It takes a while for us to really understand what it is that makes us ‘tick’ and once this is discovered, you can then go on to do whatever you want without fear or concern over what others might think.
You Know What You Want
When you reach your fiftieth birthday, you will most likely know what you want in life. It might have taken a number of decades of trial and error, but it’s finally become – or becoming – clear what you need to do that is going to make you happy and keep you fulfilled.
What’s even better is that you won’t be afraid to let other people know either. From giving people your own 50th birthday ideas so the day can go exactly as you would like it to, to changing your career or wearing different clothes, or even going back to school, when you’re 50 you will be able to finally do whatever you want because you finally know what that actually is.
You’re More Likely to Forgive Yourself
We all make mistakes in life, and sometimes those mistakes are big enough to set us down a path we might not have chosen otherwise, and one that we might not entirely enjoy. These kinds of mistakes can haunt us for years, even if they are long gone and amends have been made; the mind will often keep going back to them, making them feel present even if they are in the past.
When you reach 50, it’s time to start forgiving yourself for these mistakes. You will more easily recognize that they really are done with and that nothing can be changed about them. You’ll know it’s time to start moving forward and make the most of your life, and this is extremely exciting. The more you do this, the more likely you are to forgive yourself for the things you’ve done in the past.