Going Riding? The Best Ways to Bond With Your Horse

The Best Ways to Bond With Your HorseIf you’ve been spent time with horses, you’ll probably agree that their beauty and power are undeniable. They are incredibly strong creatures and very emotional. Horses develop connections with their riders, but it doesn’t happen instantly. A lot of work is needed on your part to gain a horse’s trust and create a solid bond. If you can build a relationship with your horse, you will be able to ride much easier, since there will be a connection based on mutual respect. If you go about it the wrong way, your horse may become stubborn and standoffish towards you, making it extremely hard to ride.

If you’re considering taking up horseback riding, here are some ways you can forge a long-lasting bond with your horse.

1. Master the greeting

The way you greet your horse lays the foundation for your relationship. Startling a horse is the quickest way to ruin your relationship before it’s even begun, and you could end up stepped on, or worse, kicked. Approach your animal smoothly and calmly. Make sure you allow them to see you before you begin walking up to them. Don’t get right in their face and, instead, stop a short distance away and allow them to come to you. Hold out your hand so the horse can smell it and let them decide whether to come forward or not. Take things slowly, and always approach them in this way, even once you’ve had them for a while and have developed your horsemanship.

2. Walk with them

Rather than just getting right up on your steed’s back every time, take your horse for a walk alongside you. Horses can get nervous about riding into areas they are unfamiliar with. Strolling with them will allow them to get used to the area and begin feeling comfortable with their surroundings. Additionally, walking with your horse instead of riding them will allow them to see that you are equals and help strengthen your connection.

3. Give them a massage

The same way your dog loves a scratch behind the ears, and you love a back massage, your horse will enjoy a bit of pampering. Horses are unable to itch themselves, and they will appreciate you helping them out. Give them a nice scratch and brush them from head to toe to get off all the loose hair and dirt. Before taking your horse out for a ride, help them warm up by giving them a gentle massage on their muscles, which can get tight in the same way yours can.

4. Let your horse tell you what they like and dislike

While your horse might not speak English, they can still express when they like something and dislike something. It’s essential to allow them to give you feedback regarding both grooming and riding, especially as you’re getting to know your horse. When you brush them in certain areas or clean out their ears, note how they react. Some horses may prefer that you don’t touch their face, and you can respect that by directing your attention to areas they do like, such as behind their ears or brushing their mane. If they start to get anxious when you’re riding a certain way, then it’s a sign they are uncomfortable and that you should slow down and switch to something else.