10 Ways Pregnancy Can Leave a Permanent Mark on Your Body

10 Ways Pregnancy Can Leave a Permanent Mark on Your BodyPregnancy is one of the most magical times in your life. Nothing feels quite like bringing a child into the world. After the beauty of giving birth is over, the healing process begins. When mothers look at their bodies, they wonder if anyone else looks the same. Discover ten ways pregnancy can leave a permanent mark on your body and what you can do about it.

Sagging Breasts

An unfortunate permanent mark many women experience after pregnancy is sagging breasts. Factors that contribute to sagging breasts include weight gain, multiple pregnancies, and smoking. The good news is that breastfeeding does not play a role in sagging breasts. An additional perk is pregnancy may help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in the future. Plastic Surgeons can help women get perkier breasts after pregnancy for a feeling of self-confidence.

Larger Shoe Size

As women gain weight during pregnancy, they may also experience water retention and hormone fluctuations. All of these internal conditions can result in larger feet. Some women go up a half or whole shoe size during pregnancy.

Lose a Tooth

The old wives’ tales about gaining a child and losing a tooth seems to be truthful. Research reveals poor dental health can result in losing teeth when you have children. Visit a dentist and make sure to maintain proper oral hygiene for a better smile.

Stretch Marks

Rapid weight gain occurs during pregnancy, which means the majority of women get stretch marks in the areas of their breasts and stomachs. While prevention is usually impossible, stretch marks are minimized when a woman is a healthy weight and gains around 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Creams and other treatments can be purchased at various retailers across America to help reduce and/or prevent stretch marks.

Weight Gain

While weight gain is inevitable during pregnancy, and those pounds tend to linger afterward. One in four women will hold on to eleven pounds after each child. The average weight gain is 2.5 to five pounds after having a child. If you have a few kids, that can add up quickly. Healthy eating and regular fitness routines help in overall well-being and weight control.

white clean bathroom restroom

Regular Restroom Trips

Incontinence occurs for some women, including those who have a c-section. Performing Kegel exercises can help and as can downloading apps that offer pelvic exercises to strengthen this essential area of the body.

Treatment or therapy for incontinence can take time. In the meantime, wearing adult diapers for incontinence allows new moms to move freely and do what they want without having to think about urinary leakage when they sneeze, laugh, or cough.

Gorgeous Hair

The fluctuation of hormones and taking vitamins often means women have a gorgeous mane of hair during pregnancy. It is normal for this hair to fall out in the year after pregnancy, leaving women with a regular head of hair.

Gestational Diabetes

About ten percent of women experienced heightened blood pressure during pregnancy, which is referred to as gestational diabetes. Watch sugar intake to avoid developing type 2 diabetes in the future.

Reduced Sex Drive

Changes to the vagina and uterus, exhaustion from long hours, and breastfeeding can all lead to a reduced sex drive the first year after birth. Couples can make time to rediscover passion by having someone watch the baby.

Wide Hips

The phrase about baby-making hips proves to hold some truth. Gaining weight and fat cell redistribution during pregnancy can lead to wider hips afterward.

While the body changes during and after pregnancy, the rewards are great. Proper self-care, regular medical treatment, and a consultation with a reputable plastic surgeon help women look and feel their best.