Pet Peeves: Disrespectful Cellphone Users

Pet Peeves: Cellphones and Those Who Use ThemAlmost everyone that I know uses a cellphone these days. They’re a great way to stay in touch with others throughout the day. You can handle business while on-the-go, chat with loved ones, stay connected on social media, shop when you need things and entertain your brain with a fun game to combat boredom.

However, there’s a lot of things about cellphones and their users that really irk me off. That’s right, it’s time for another Shelly’s Pet Peeves!

1. Put it down! It should never become a part of the human body. You don’t need to be glued to it 24 hours a day. Give it a rest!

2. Nothing irks me more than people who are using their phones during inappropriate times! When you’re out to dinner with a loved one or friend…put it away. When you’re dining with the family at home…put it away. When you’re at the movie theater, church or other quiet place…put the damn thing away! No one wants to hear you yapping!

3. Butt dialing, pocket dialing and purse dialing. Need I say more? Okay, I will. I’m tired of picking up the phone only to find out that you’re inappropriately dialing me. It really irks me off especially when its done habitually by a few people that I know. It’s your device so its your responsibility to make sure that its protected and not auto-dialing those on your contact list.

4. Expensive phones. I find it pathetic that some people feel the need to have $800 phones. Every time a new model is released they go out and get it. I’m sorry but I have more important things to spend my money on. I only pay for a new phone when my current phone calls it quits and I certainly don’t need the best one nor the most expensive one on the market. The majority of them all do the same damn thing!

5. I get really irritated when I see people using $800 smartphones when they can’t pay their other bills or using government assistance programs. Having an expensive phone should be the last thing on your list when you rely on other people or tax payer’s to help you make it financially in life. Priorities people!!!

6. How old should a child be when given a new phone? I think that’s a question that’s best answered by parents. However, I do take issue when you give a small child (I personally know of a 8 year old) who runs around with a very expensive phone. IMHO…a young child (if given one) should be given an inexpensive one and be taught how to use it and to respect it. They shouldn’t be taught at that young age that brands and price set status. Nope. I disagree with that.

7. Give your child(ren) your undivided attention! I’ve been to school functions, youth sporting events, youth church events, etc. where I’ve repeatedly have seen parents yapping on and using their phones for personal use. I’m not talking about emergency calls or business…but personal crap that could of waited. Your children see that and your children deserve your undivided attention during these type’s of activities.

8. We all need vacation breaks in our lives and guess what? Your device needs one too! When going on vacation or traveling…use it on a very limited basis. Give yourself and family that much deserved electronics break.

9. Be respectful when you call other people. Don’t call me after 10 PM unless its an emergency. Don’t call me before 8 AM unless its an emergency. If you know that I’m on vacation with my family…don’t call me unless its an emergency. How many times do I have to say this?

10. Don’t use the device while driving! I know a lot of people will use it on speaker phone while driving and let me tell you…that’s still distracting! I don’t care if you feel your a professional and cautious driver. I don’t care that you’ve never been in an accident. There’s always a first time!!! Your attention needs to be on driving and nothing else. Period.

I love the convenience of having a cellphone just like everyone else in the world. However, I’m really sick and tired of people treating their phones like “GOD” and disrespecting those around them.

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