Boost Your Children’s Creativity and Get Them Organized with a Coloring Calendar

Boost Your Children’s Creativity and Get Them Organized with Coloring CalendarHow to spark your children’s creativity and at the same time help them learn about months and seasons in a fun way? The answer is a coloring calendar – a great way to encourage kids’ craftsmanship, boost their imagination, and help them memorize national and family holidays. Besides, they will learn basic math by counting days until the next family vacation.

So what exactly will your children learn with this awesome calendar and what skills will they boost?

Public & Family Holidays

A coloring calendar is a wonderful memory jogger that will help your children learn all the public holidays quickly and painlessly. Besides that, a coloring calendar is an easy way to memorize important family dates like birthdays and anniversaries. Finally, children usually have a lot on their plates with school, extracurricular projects, music and sport’s lessons, and so on. Let them add all these activities to the calendar so that they will never miss a school deadline again.

Boost Your Children’s Creativity and Get Them Organized with Coloring Calendar

Basic Math

How many days are there in May? Or in October? If even you, an adult, needed a second to think, imagine how difficult it must be for your little ones. It’s a quite difficult concept for kids, so why not make the learning curve a bit easier with a fun coloring calendar! They can also count the days till the next holiday or till their birthday by putting cute stickers or stamps on the day cells.

Seasons & Weather

When does it usually snow in your area? Or when does the summer season start? You can integrate this information into the calendar by putting pictures of the beach or a snowman to the layout. This way your children will learn to pack an umbrella in September and put on a hat and gloves in January.

Boost Your Children’s Creativity and Get Them Organized with Coloring Calendar


Now the fun part – coloring! Look for blank pictures of the beach for July, a Christmas tree for December, and a pumpkin for October and add these images to your calendar. Don’t forget to involve your little ones in the process, let them pick an image they like the most. Alternatively, you can get some images for important dates – a sun for the first day of summer, a gift box for birthdays, a heart for wedding anniversary, and a school bag for the first day of school. Your children will learn all the important dates and have fun coloring and expressing their creativity.

Sounds Great But How Do I Make Such a Calendar?

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a professional graphic designer. All you need is an easy calendar creator, coloring pictures, and a decent printer. Add all the important dates and holidays together with your kids, let them complement the calendar with their own school deadlines and activities, print it out, and let your children color it.

You will certainly have fun working on this awesome idea. It is a great opportunity to learn something new and put your creative view to good use. And the fact that your kids will actually learn something useful from it makes this idea even better. Have a productive and creative day!