Today is Sunday, June 7th, 2020. This coming week, we have some fabulous product reviews and giveaways that you are going to enjoy! Today, I am sharing just a tease of what I’ll will be posting this week for all of you to see! I’m so glad that the weather is nice again and that we’re spending more time outdoors. Yay!
Arts and Craft Books
Cookbooks for Foodie Lovers
Movie DVDs
Children’s Books
Wristlet Wallets for Women
Articles & Helpful Tips
Easy to Make Craft Projects
Fun to Make Recipes
Mom’s Travel Feature
Beauty & Skincare Products
Stuff for Pets
Kitchen Products
+ More!
My parents opened up their pool for the summer season last month. My kids are pretty happy about that. Thanks to the pool heater they can open it up during the month of May and keep it open through late September. That’s pretty good for living in the northeast. The pool is great for exercise and family bonding time. Kids look forward to pool season every year.
Our question for this week centers around swimming. Do you know how to swim? If so, how old were you when you learned how to swim? How often do you get to enjoy it? Do you prefer swimming in a pool, lake or the ocean?
I know how to swim and was 3 years old when I learned. My parents took me to the YMCA classes. I am looking forward to swimming again. This week I am looking forward to the cookbook posts.
Yea for the pool at the grandparents home. I wish I had one for the children in the summer… but they don’t live here. I am glad summer is coming.