How to Safely Drive Through Residential Neighborhoods

How to Safely Drive Through Residential NeighborhoodsAs parents its our responsibility to teach our children how to safely drive when they become of age. We teach them how to parallel park, use the turn signals properly, how to read traffic signs, etc. It’s important to go over the rules of the road and how to operate a motor vehicle safely.

With that said it’s equally important to teach new drivers how to safely drive through residential neighborhoods which is often forgotten. Here are 6 important tips to remember.

1. Follow the posted speed limit signs! Children and pets live in residential neighborhoods and aren’t always visible to drivers passing through.

2. No distracted driving! It most states and municipalities it’s illegal to text or talk on your phone. Keep your eyes on the road.

3. Turn the volume down! People live in these neighborhoods! They don’t want to hear loud music coming from your vehicle. Furthermore…loud music can drown out the noise of children playing nearby. Turn the volume down and keep it down! If you want to “rock out” to your favorite tunes do it on the open highway.

4. Be aware of speed bumps! Slow down and pass over them slowly. They are placed within the neighborhood for a reason.

5. Pay attention to stop signs! A lot of residential neighborhoods have 2-way, 3-way and sometimes 4-way stop signs. Always come to a complete stop. Know when its your time to proceed through.

6. Don’t drive impaired. You should never operate a motor vehicle while under-the-influence of illegal drugs, certain medications and/or alcohol. Don’t endanger the lives of others.