Family Fun at Bumble Bee Hollow Miniature Golf

Bumble Bee Hollow Miniature Golf in Harrisburg PennsylvaniaOur family loves the game of miniature golf and get together a few times every year to play it. We like to challenge each other with fun wagers and bets. The kids in the family love the game just as much as we do! After the game we head to a local ice cream parlor to enjoy ice cream cones and banana splits!

Bumble Bee Hollow Mini Golf is located in Harrisburg Pennsylvania and is one of our favorite local places to play. They’re open year-round, weather permitting. We like to play in the springtime when the flowers are blooming and when their water features are all turned on! Fall is another great time to play because the of the mountain ridge along Linglestown Road is usually colorful with the Fall Foliage.

Bumble Bee Hollow Miniature Golf in Harrisburg Pennsylvania

Bumble Bee Hollow Miniature Golf in Harrisburg Pennsylvania

Like most mini golf courses this one has 18 fun and challenging holes to play. In my honest opinion, most holes are a par 2 or 3 (for adults) depending on your skill level. The course is beautifully laid out and there are ponds, streams and a man-made waterfall. If you’re really lucky you’ll spot a few gold fish or frogs swimming around in the water.

As I previously stated, we’re big miniature golf fans and have played at over 35+ different courses up and down the east coast. We find the game to be a great source of entertainment and exercise! It’s always nice to be out in the fresh air and sunshine.  Besides, I really “stink” at the regular game of golf but with mini golf…I can hang with the best of them!

Bumble Bee Hollow Miniature Golf in Harrisburg Pennsylvania

How many of you enjoy playing miniature golf? How often do you get to play? Got a favorite course and are you any good at the game?

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