4 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Running Your Family Car
While having a family is one of the greatest blessings in life, it is also one of the most expensive. From rent and mortgage payments, to utility bills and food shopping, the list of things to pay for can seem endless. Therefore, most families are always looking for ways to reduce their outgoings and save a bit of cash.
Running a car is a priority for many households, as it makes the school run and journey to extracurricular activities with the kids so much easier. However, it is also a main outgoing for many families. So, we have put together some top tips on how to reduce the cost of running your family car!
Buy Economical Tires
When it comes to car maintenance such as buying new tires, it can be tempting to buy the cheapest you can find. But the cheapest tires may not always be the most economical. The type of tires on your car will make a huge difference to both your fuel economy and how long they will last. By going for the cheapest tires available, you will find that they need to be replaced more often, costing you more money in the long term.
Shop Around for Insurance Deals
One of the most expensive aspects of running your family car is the price of insurance. Therefore, we recommend that you take the time to shop around for insurance deals and do your research. There are ways that you can reduce the cost of your insurance, such as having a safe place to store it overnight instead of parking it on the road.
You can also save money by getting black box insurance, which will reduce your monthly payments. Black box insurance requires a tracking device in your car which will monitor your driving skills and habits. You can then use a site like Quotezone to find cheaper insurance for exchange of this driving data about you.
Find Cheaper Fuel
You will notice that, depending on the petrol station you visit, the cost of your fuel may be different. Therefore, it is worth keeping a note of the different prices in your local area and comparing the prices per litre. While you may not consider a few pennies per litre a huge saving, it soon adds up over the year!
Check Your Tyre Pressure Regularly
Many of us are guilty of not checking our tyre pressure as regularly as we should. However, this simple and easy check can make you a huge saving. While you may not notice from looking at your tires, an under inflated tire by 15psi can use 6 percent more fuel. This could be costing you a lot more money in fuel every year.
Making a few changes to how you run your family car can help to significantly reduce the cost of running it. What changes will you make?