Springtime Visitors – Nature at it’s Best!
We’re nature lovers and love the springtime season. It’s the season that many animals come out of hibernation, babies are being born, flowers are blooming and everything seems to come back to life. It’s one of the prettiest seasons of the year!
Last week my husband called me over to the mailbox. We had gotten our mail on Friday morning and it was now Monday afternoon. In just a few short days a Mommy bird had made a nest inside our mailbox and laid an egg! We were very careful to not disturb it and are closely monitoring things to see if it hatches.
Luckily for us…our mailman is a nature lover too and will be delivering our mail to our front door for the next couple of weeks, so that we don’t disturb Mommy bird. Hopefully the egg will hatch and within 2-3 weeks the baby will fledge and leave the nest. Then we can give the mailbox a good cleaning and get back to normal mail delivery once again.
A few days later we had two other visitors in our backyard. Our home is located along a Canadian Geese migration track and twice a year they visitor us when they fly south for the winter and north for the summer. They like to make a pit-stop on our property. I’m not sure if our freshly dug garden beds or our swimming pool attracts them.
The couple that you see in my photographs today hung out in our backyard for over 2 1/2 hours. They were eating worms and bugs from the freshly dug garden bed. My hubby had just dug that up the day before…so I assume it was providing them some much needed nourishment for the next leg of their journey. We named them Fred and Wilma. Hopefully we’ll see them again in a few months when they head south.
We love this time of the year and wanted to share a few photographs with all of you. Do you enjoy the spring season? Are you a nature lover?