Serrated vs. Non-Serrated Steak Knives: Which Is Best for You?

Are you looking forward to slicing into your very first steak this summer?

Before you do, you’re going to need to decide how you want your steak cooked. Studies have shown that about 60% of people prefer their steak cooked either medium or medium-rare.

You’re also going to need to choose which type of knife you’re going to use to cut into your steak. You can pick from either serrated or non-serrated steak knives.

Both serrated and non-serrated steak knives will get the job done when it comes to cutting through a piece of steak. But there are pros and cons that come along with each type of steak knife that are worth considering prior to investing in one over the other.

Learn more about the pros and cons of serrated vs. non-serrated knives below so that you’re able to buy the best steak knives for your kitchen.

The Pros of Serrated Steak Knives

The first type of steak knives that we’re going to talk about today is serrated steak knives. Serrated steak knives are knives that have “teeth” along the edge of them that are used to cut through steaks.

The biggest benefit of using serrated steak knives over non-serrated steak knives is that serrated knives look sharper at first glance. This might not seem like something that would matter much. But you’re going to feel a lot better about sitting in front of a steak and working your way through it with a serrated steak knife in your hand.

Another big advantage of using serrated steak knives over non-serrated ones is that they don’t usually have to be sharpened as often as non-serrated knives do. They spend most of their time sawing through steak and don’t come into contact with the plate or surface that sits underneath them very often. This keeps them sharp for an extended period of time.

Bottom line: When you have a serrated steak knife in your hand, you’re going to feel good about your chances as far as cutting through a steak is concerned. You’ll start salivating from the second you sit down knowing that your steak isn’t going to be able to overpower your steak knife.

The Cons of Serrated Steak Knives

While you’ll enjoy using serrated steak knives to devour steaks, there are some downsides to using serrated knives vs. non-serrated knives.

For starters, serrated steak knives can be difficult to sharpen when the time comes. Since they aren’t straight-edge steak knives, you might actually have to call on a professional to sharpen serrated steak knives for you.

Additionally, serrated steak knives will tear apart a piece of steak when you’re cutting through it. Some people might not mind this. But others won’t appreciate the jagged cuts that serrated steak knives make.
If you fall into the second category, you’re going to want to use non-serrated steak knives rather than serrated ones.

Serrated vs. Non-Serrated Steak Knives: Which Is Best for You?

The Pros of Non-Serrated Steak Knives

Unlike serrated steak knives, non-serrated steak knives don’t have any “teeth” on the edges of them. They are straight-edge steak knives that come equipped with razor-sharp edges.

At first, this might lead you to believe that non-serrated steak knives aren’t as sharp as serrated ones are. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Non-serrated knives will carve through steak just like serrated ones will while also providing you with nice, clean cuts in the process.

The clean cuts that non-serrated steak knives produce will do more than just look pretty. They’ll also keep all the juices from a steak inside the meat as opposed to spilling it out all over your plate. This will make a steak so much juicier than it would be otherwise when you start eating.

Non-serrated steak knives are also a lot easier to sharpen than their serrated counterparts. You can sharpen one on your own right at home as long as you have the right tools to do it.

The Cons of Non-Serrated Steak Knives

You’ll love how easy it is to sharpen non-serrated steak knives when you welcome them into your home. But one thing you’re not going to love is how often you’re going to need to sharpen them in most cases.

Because non-serrated steak knives cut straight through steaks, they come into contact with the plates and surfaces underneath them almost every time they’re used. As a result, they must be sharpened a whole lot more often than serrated steak knives.

As we mentioned a moment ago, you might not mind this since they’re so easy to sharpen. But you will, of course, have to set aside a ton of time to sharpen your non-serrated steak knives.

What Are the Best Steak Knives for You?

In a perfect world, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for you to buy both serrated and non-serrated steak knives. There is plenty of room for both of them in the average kitchen.

But if you can only afford to buy one type of steak knives, think about all the pros and cons of serrated vs. non-serrated knives that we just discussed. Then, find a reputable steak knife company to supply you with a great set of steak knives so that you can start putting them to good use.

Purchase the Right Steak Knives for Your Kitchen Today

You’re obviously going to use steak knives in your home for eating, well, steak. It’ll be difficult to enjoy a nice, delicious steak without a decent set of steak knives in your kitchen.

But steak knives can also be used to eat lots of other types of foods. From bread to chicken to pork, you can use steak knives to enjoy many different kinds of foods.

It’s why it’s so important for you to choose the right steak knives for your kitchen. Look around at the various serrated and non-serrated steak knives that are out there and select the one you like best for your home.

Read our blog to find out about some of the other things you’ll need to buy for your kitchen so that you’re able to enjoy your meals more from now on.