How To Entertain A One Year Old Girl
When your baby turns to a year old, you slowly begin to say goodbye to their infancy and hello to a little energetic toddler. During the toddler stage, our little one seems to have unlimited energy, always-on-the-go- crawling around, climbing desks, and creeping up and down the stairs. We may also come to a point when we think that they no longer listen to us despite our many reminders and that their short attention span becomes shorter than before.
However, it is also at this time when they are more curious and aware of their surroundings. They want to touch, smell, and even taste what they see. They become enticed to colorful things and those that move. They are more playful than ever, and the toys that they play with and activities that they are exposed to play significant and vital roles in their development. Here are some of the best toys for 1 year old girl in case you are looking for ideas to entertain your little one and keep her happily occupied while also focusing on her developments.
1. Baby-Walking Toys
Although one-year-olds can already take steps, they still cannot walk properly. They always tend to lose their balance; some tend to take a couple of steps then revert to crawling with their knees because they are still scared to stand too long. Baby-walking toys are an excellent tool to help little kiddos master walking by pulling themselves to a standing position and getting their footing.
2. Crawl Tunnels
Crawling is a good exercise for coordination and motor control. Crawl tunnels are a fun and safe way to let your little girl creep at her own pace and explore without fear of getting cuts on her precious knees. Colorful tunnels also stimulate her eyes and, again, tickle her curiosity and excitement.
3. Stacking Toys
Stacking toys are also a big hit for young ones. The colorful blocks allow them to use their imagination in building and stacking them up. You will be surprised at the “structures” they have once they are done.
4. Colorful Shape Sorter
Toddlers at this age use both hands while playing, and they slowly enhance their muscles and motor control. With a shape sorter, not only will they be familiar with shapes, but they also practice picking up each shape and putting them inside the sorter. The colorful shapes are also pleasing to their eyes and will further enhance their interest while playing with it.
Aside from the wonderful toys mentioned above, there are also activities that you can do with your little princess to further her development. Since she is at the age of awe and discovery, allow her to touch items with different textures such as a furry carpet, a smooth rock, or a rough wall. See how she gets excited with the different sensations she experiences when touching the various objects.
Another fun activity to do that will also benefit her face muscles is to do different facial expressions and allow her to imitate you. Toddlers at this age love imitating what they see, and wouldn’t it be super fun to see your mini-me creating different facial expressions?