Two Classy Chics Week in Review April 24th

Today is Friday, April 24th, 2020. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!

Quote of the Week: See everything; overlook a great deal; correct a little. — Pope John XXIII


Name 5 Game by Endless Games
Interactive Dancing Fish Cat Toy – Amazingly Cat


Marshmallow Cat Bed from Amazingly Cat
Rice Krispies Treats

General Posts, Recipes, Crafts and More:

Loaded with Everything Cheesy Nachos
Decoupage and Painted Seashells for Spring Decorating
How to Make Your Hair Healthy With 4 Easy Changes
Signs of Spring in Beautiful Pennsylvania
Tips for Purchasing and Using a Fire Extinguisher
8 Ways to Help Your Spouse Be More Communicative
Slow Cooker Beef Vegetable Soup with Pasta
A Family Visit to the AACA Museum in Hershey
Sweet and Spicy Popcorn Seasoning Mix Recipe

Things have been stressful for all Americans (the world too) for the past 2 months. How do you deal with stress? Are you a talker or do you hold things close to the vest? What kind of things do you do to cope with stress?

I’ve taken up crafting and baking (like my mom) to help relieve stress and to keep my mind on other things. Have 2 young children to take care of means that I have to stay strong for them. I’m not a talker and typically keep things held in. I’m trying to do better with that by expressing my feelings more often. How about you?


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I hold things close to myself. However, my family encourages me to talk more. I walk more and do more baking. I like this week’s quote and agree with it.

  2. I go for long walks in my neighborhood and work in my yard and garden a lot these days which is the way I try to keep from getting too anxious. I have been cutting back on watching the news and being on social media.

  3. Tamra Phelps says

    Well, I’ve gotten good at just dealing with stress by holding it in these last few years. I’ve been recovering from serious illness in a nursing home, learning to walk again. Just when I’m ready to go home, a dang pandemic hits! Geeze! Well, when I get home, I might just start screaming, lol, but I’ll hold it together until then. I suspect some therapy of the emotional kind might be in order when I get home and we can actually go out to people’s offices.

  4. Peggy Nunn says

    I hold it close to my vest also. My husband talks it out. So I listen to him and let him get it out. He is staying at home like everyone else. So I just get my relief by sewing and just doing things that give me pleasure.

  5. I deal with stress by trying to keep to myself and keeping busy. I do a lot of cleaning and yard work until I feel better. I also talk to my best friend a lot about what is bothering me.