Make Caramel Flavored Coffee at Home with Torani Classic Caramel Syrup
Tired of paying high prices for caramel flavored coffee at your local coffee shop? Well, we were too! We decided to experiment with a few products until we found the perfect one to make our own caramel flavored coffee at home. Plus, this syrup can be used for all kinds of other things too!
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We purchased 3 different brands of caramel syrup and the winner during our personal experimentation was the Torani Classic Caramel Syrup. I won’t mention the other 2 brands because we don’t bad-mouth company’s products on this blog. I will share with you some information about this product and how we used it.
Torani has been in business since 1925 and in our honest opinion was the clear winner when it came to caramel syrups. You can add it to hot milk, your coffee, fruit smoothies, hot tea, hot chocolate, hot apple cider, to your baked goods and this summer we’re going to try it when we make our homemade ice creams.
To make your own Caramel Flavored Coffee at Home you’ll want to use freshly brewed coffee, Add your milk or cream to taste and then add a splash or two of the Torani Classic Caramel Syrup. Stir and enjoy!
You can use it to make your own flavored creamer by mixing 1/4 cup of Torani Classic Caramel Syrup with 1 pint of half & half. Keep in an airtight container in your refrigerator and use as needed.
Serving Size: 2 Tbsp. with 80 calories per serving, 19g of sugar, 0g of fat.
The product is shelf-stable even after opening it. We love that factor because we can take it along with us when we travel on vacation. It’s available in plastic or glass bottles…I recommend the plastic bottle if you want to take it along with you. You don’t have to worry about the bottle getting all sticky thanks to the squeeze-top applicator and cap that goes over the top. Another win-win with this product!
Let’s talk about the taste…it’s rich and buttery…but not overly sweet. There’s no bitter after-taste at all. Just perfect!
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Disclaimer: This product was personally purchased by the writer who is sharing his/her personal opinion with the readers of the TwoClassyChics blog. This post was not sponsored by any company or brand. Opinions expressed are 100% the writer’s own unbiased opinion on the product. This post may contain affiliate links.