If You Can Be Anything Be Kind – Clothes That Teach Us A Lesson
When you are picking out your outfit for a date, for example, what is it you want to achieve? My guess is that, among other things, you are trying to find something you LIKE to wear. Of course, you would also love to impress your date, or other people. Yet, not everybody has the same taste, that’s for sure. But, have you ever thought about what your specific taste says about you? Read this.
How Our Clothes Affect Other People
Today, clothes are more than just a means of covering up our bodies. It’s no secret that the way we dress sends a certain message to the world. Sometimes, though, that message might not be the one we were expecting to convey.
Why is that? Well, every individual perceives the world in their own way. We don’t have the same thinking pattern, nor do we all hold the same values. This is why we often find that the intentions behind our outfit are misinterpreted.
People have the ability, or at least they think they do, to take a glance at what you are wearing and take a guess at what kind of a person you are. They assume almost everything – from your music taste to what you might be insecure about. The truth is – they might not even be aware of this, but they are definitely judging you to a certain extent. Clothes have been associated with personality for quite some time and now it all works on a subconscious level.
How They Affect Us
Sure, making a good impression on someone has always mattered to us. Yet, when buying new garments, your main criterion is whether you feel good in those. By now, we are well aware that your choice of outfits can impact the way people feel about us. But, there is something else. Were you aware that our clothes actually affect the way we think?
Read more about that here: https://brainfodder.org/psychology-clothes-enclothed-cognition/
Other people are not the only ones making assumptions and taking guesses on who we are based on the way we dress. Let me be as straightforward as possible. We also judge ourselves according to our choice of apparel.
Depending on how good or bad our judgement is, we might feel confident in one outfit, yet completely insecure in another. That has a significant influence on the way we conduct ourselves, as well as interact with other people. And that’s not all.
When we wear certain garments, we start unconsciously forming our whole behavior around those. Think about it for a second – we don’t act the same in a dress and in a sweat suit. In few words, clothes shape the way we think.
How They Can Remind Us About What Matters
Now, we are all aware of how clothes can affect both how people perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. Why wouldn’t we use this to our advantage, and for a good cause? In few words, in a world where you can be anything, why don’t you choose to be the one that reminds people about the important values in life? Such as, for example, being kind to other individuals, or to yourself.
I am assuming that you are by now aware of how clothes can convey a social status of an individual. That might be a bit toxic in today’s world. You can come across both men and women spending their last penny on a piece of clothing that will make them look “smart”, or similar.
That is not necessarily a bad think. But, of course, we tend to exaggerate with this, desperate to leave a good impression even if that means going against our true selves. Unfortunately, that can lead us to losing track of what is really valuable in our lives.
You have probably come across T-Shirts, hoodies, and similar pieces that have something written on them. Let me ask you a question. Would you wear one of these if the saying was in complete contrast to your principles and beliefs? I’m guessing not.
On the contrary, you will always look for a saying that you can relate to. And do you know what you can achieve this way? For starters, there is no chance that people will judge you the wrong way and assume that you are something you are not. After all, your piece of garment has “what you are” written all over it. Literally.
Furthermore, by wearing those cute clothes that have all kinds of nice things written on them, you can help raise people’s awareness and remind them about what truly matters today. We tend to get so consumed in our daily activities that we often forget what it is that holds real value in life. A nice reminder like that always comes in handy.