How Do You Turn Mediocre Instagram Followers into Brand Evangelists?

How Do You Turn Mediocre Instagram Followers into Brand EvangelistsBy this point, you probably know how to buy instagram likes from companies like BuzzVoice. You know how to use resources like hashtags to quickly get more attenton. But… what do you do next? This is where brand evangelists come in.

I’m sure you’ve probably heard the term brand evangelists. This is somebody who follows a social media account and can’t help but spread a word about that account.

Somewhere, somehow, and at some time, the account that they’re following published content that this follower simply cannot shut up about. Believe me, if you have just one of those people, your life would be so much easier.

Why? They can’t help but talk about your brand. Somehow, someway, they became emotionally invested in what you’re doing. Now, you may be thinking to yourself, wow, good luck getting those people. How exactly do you recruit such people? Do they even exist?

Well, they do exist. If you don’t believe me, just look at the history of Apple computers. And I’m talking about the history of this amazing company before the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad. In the early days of Apple, and I’m talking about Apple 2 and the Mac, the reason why Steve Jobs became this demi-god in Silicon Valley is because of brand evangelists.

When you look at Apple computers’ financial history, they really weren’t all that hot. In fact, there were a lot of bigger companies that are actually growing in revenues. Look up Dell computers. But there’s something about Apple that drew a loyal fan. In fact, Steve Jobs likes to brag about it.

To paraphrase him, people do not love Microsoft products. They feel that they have to use them, but they don’t love them. But the first thing you hear about Apple products is how our fans love us.

That should be your mindset when it comes to your Instagram account. How do you get to turn lukewarm or mediocre followers into brand evangelists? Here are some tried and proven methods.

Speak to them directly

By doing random mentions of people, you would see who’s paying attention. You would also see who’s fallen asleep.

It may turn out that when somebody who always views your content gets called out, they can’t believe their eyes, wow, of all the people, you picked me. What do you think will happen then?

Slowly, they become emotionally invested in what you’re doing. Why? Well, the other accounts that they’re following couldn’t care less because they don’t get a shout out. They’re just another face in the crowd. But your account stands out because their handle got mentioned in your account.

Call people to action and pay close attention to the results

Now that you are randomly mentioning people, pay close attention to the engagement results. Do you notice that a lot more people are liking your posts?

It may well turn out that somebody that you gave a shout out to is now sharing that piece of content. They can’t believe that their name is being used or they can’t believe that this account that they really liked actually cared about them.

Keep calling people to action. Say, hey if you want me to mention somebody or if you want me to post a sticker for you or do something for you in terms of content, speak up. I understand that you’ve probably read this advice before. But it’s powerful. It actually works.

What is the best time to develop ‘evangelists,’ right after buying instagram followers and getting your initial base of organic followers.

Scale-up content that gets the most heat with your followers

I understand that prior to this point, you’re basically just throwing spaghetti at a wall. I get that. Because you don’t know where to start. You’re in the dark. You have to start somewhere.

The good news is that building an initial critical mass so you can increase your organic followers is actually quite straightforward. You just have to have a content strategy and then you buy social proof to avoid the chicken and egg problem.

Once enough people join organically because you bought Instagram likes or Instagram video views from socialshaft, the next step is to go through this process so you can publish content that people actually are excited about. Unfortunately, this is not something that you would instantly figure out. It’s not something that just falls into your lap.

You have to look at the results and see which content got the most heat from your followers. This is the content that got a lot of attention. The way to do this is to look at the engagement levels, as well as determining if you’re actually getting a lot of clicks to the websites that you are promoting.

Always respond to your followers’ engagement with your content

When people engage with your content to the point that they comment, speak up. Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that their response is very important to you.

I’m not talking about them posting an emoji or anything automatic like that. I’m talking about actual comments. Because if somebody was able to get up from their back to post a comment, then you can get up from yours and reply to them.

This creates a one to one interaction that may go a long way. You’re telling them, again, in no uncertain terms, that they’re important to you. They’re not just another face in the crowd. They matter.

And believe me, since we live in an anonymous world where it’s so easy to feel alone in a crowd, you’ll remember when somebody recognizes and acknowledges you. Whether you like it or not, eventually, you start becoming emotionally invested in that person.

I’m not talking about a romantic relationship here. I’m talking about something more commercially lucrative. Because of all the brands that your followers interact with, you stand out because you actually mention them and you actually take action on their suggestions. Since they feel that their voice matters, they’d rather stick with you than a bigger brand that is cold, distant, and impersonal.

This is how you wake people up. This is how you turn otherwise mediocre Instagram followers into potential brand evangelists who can’t shut up about what you’re doing.