7 Crucial Self Defense Equipment to Own
Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. It’s never the victims’ fault – that’s not how assault works.
And while you can never prevent an assault, you might be able to keep yourself safer by carrying self-defense equipment at all times.
And fortunately, the self-defense market has improved. They make their defense tools practical for the average woman to carry at all times.
While you don’t need to always carry these seven tools, you can use them all to make sure you always have a way to protect yourself.
1. Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is the iconic staple of personal protection equipment. It’s easy to attach to a key chain or keep in your purse or glove box. It’s versatile, and it’s often enough to distract your attacker long enough for you to escape.
Pepper spray is legal in all 50 states too, so no matter how strict your state’s regulations are, you can carry pepper spray to protect yourself.
2. Personal Taser
Personal tasers are another popular option because they can briefly incapacitate your attacker. Make sure you get familiar with your taser long before you ever have to use it.
Your personal taser should come with a safety feature that deactivates it if your attacker wrestles it away from you. This is usually a strap that goes around your wrist, like one for a Wii remote. The strap is connected to a pin. If the pin isn’t in your taser, the taser won’t work.
3. Personal Alarm
Often when women feel uneasy, they try to go unnoticed and hope not to draw attention to themselves. Unfortunately, that’s the exact wrong reaction.
Instead, if you can, make a scene. That’s where your personal alarm comes in. These are subtle little buttons that can emit ear-piercing sirens, like a fire alarm, that will draw attention from anyone nearby who can help.
They’re easy to attach to a bag, key chain, or piece of jewelry, and can help you make a scene when you need it most.
4. Self-Defense Course
Everyone should take a self-defense course at least once in their lives. You’ll learn vital information on how to escape from an attacker, or hopefully avoid one in the first place.
There are many different types of courses. There are hand-to-hand self-defense techniques, survival training for what to do in threatening situations to name two examples. You can also receive training on how to use self-defense equipment like a pepper sprayer, an air pistol, or a taser. Not knowing how to handle these items effectively or safely could worsen your situation or hurt an innocent.
5. Discreet Weapons
Discreet weapons are awesome personal protection equipment. They’re essentially spy tools for the everyday woman! These are things like a tactical pen that you can use as a weapon or a credit card that’s secretly a knife. There’s even taser lipstick!
The cool think about these is they’re super practical. You already carry a wallet full of cards, just add one more. You probably already have a pen in your bag, just add one more.
There are tons of creative defense tools like these, so do your research, and find one that fits your lifestyle.
6. Tactical Flashlight
Tactical flashlights are more than just a flashlight. They shine twice as strong as a normal flashlight – 200 lumens compared to 100 lumens. That’s strong enough to see across a football field – the long way!
But it’s also bright enough to temporarily blind an attacker.
They come in small forms that you can add to your bag or are easy to carry around. But you can get bigger, heftier ones with serrated edges. These are great to keep in your car, especially if you work late nights.
7. Self-Defense Ring
A self-defense ring is the perfect self-defense tool because they’re discreet and practical. You can wear them with any outfit and no one would know.
But they have a small knife, or serrated edge you could use to cut duct tape or zip ties. Or you can use it as a type of brass knuckles if you get into physical combat.
Make Sure You Choose the Right Equipment
When you pick out your self-defense equipment, there are a few things you need to consider before you commit.
Are you comfortable using it? If not, it won’t do you much good. Make sure you get used to how your personal protection equipment works, and that you feel confident using it against an attacker.
Can your attacker use it on you? Your personal protection equipment shouldn’t become your attacker’s weapon. Most new pieces come with a feature that will disable the equipment if it’s wrestled away from you. Make sure yours does.
Is it practical? If it doesn’t fit easily in your purse, if it’s easy to forget at home, if you just don’t like carrying it, it’s not right for you. Your personal protection equipment has to work for your lifestyle. It can’t save you if you leave it at home.
Is it legal? Some states have stricter laws than others based on what’s considered personal defense tools, and what’s a weapon. Make sure you read up on the laws in your state. The last thing you want is to get in legal trouble just because you’re trying to stay safe.
Self-Defense Equipment Can Save Your Life
No matter how safe of an area you think you live in, you should always carry self-defense equipment. This is a complete list of all the defense equipment you should have in your home or on your person.
Always keep pepper spray or a taser in your purse or on your key chain. It can save your life.
Do the women in your life have these self-defense protections? Share this article with your friends so they can be prepared for anything.