3 Reasons to Use CBD
CBD is an oil that is naturally derived from hemp. It is a cannabinoid compound that reacts with similar receptors in the brain, which leads to chemical changes within the mind and body, such as inducing a state of relaxation or increasing a positive mood.
There is a myriad of reasons why people use CBD and why there are hundreds of medical and clinical trials currently taking place on the effectiveness of CBD. From CBD oil, vape pens, and you can even Shop CBD gummies UK which gives a different range of ways to consume CBD, so choose one to best suit you.
It is also important to note that while CBD is used by many people for various conditions, it is classed as a supplement and should not be considered as a cure-all medicinal alternative.
1. Anxiety
1 in 13 people worldwide suffers from anxiety or anxiety-related disorders. Anxiety and anxiety-related disorders are among the most common of mood disorders and make up a considerable chunk of the mental health spectrum.
CBD has become the new wonder child of the anxiety medication market, treating social anxiety, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and Generalized anxiety successfully in several people in a number of trials.
CBD can be used in the form of tincture or oil for anxiety disorders, Oils and tinctures provide a measured dose that can be used immediately symptoms appear, or as a preventative with regular use. Tinctures are usually in a carrier of alcohol and oils are CBD with coconut or hemp oil as the carrier.
CBD also comes in the form of food, from brownies and CBD coffee to gummies and butter. If a person doesn’t want to be carrying oil or tinctures with them, gummies make a great alternative. If you are considering trying CBD, look for reputable companies such as theviolettacompany.com.
2. Insomnia
Many people are reporting the CBD products are helping with insomnia. They are finding it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep after a CBD regime. Studies into CBD and insomnia are showing positive results.
There are not yet any firm reasons why CBD is helping people with sleep disorders. However, speculation suggests that because CBD helps with anxiety and lowering stress levels, it is helping people who may not realize that these are the issues for their sleeplessness.
3. Pain Management
One of the most common claims of CBD manufacturers is that it helps with pain. It has been known for centuries that cannabis helps with pain relief – Queen Victoria was a user of cannabis to ease menstrual cramps.
In more recent years, doctors have been studying the use of CBD to see if it has the same effect as THC containing cannabis. So far, studies appear to be showing the CBD has a similar pain-relieving effect.
In one study, scientists have been using a CBD containing gel. In trials on rats, the gel has been proven to reduce inflammation and pain without any other treatment being used. Expanding this into human trials is the next step.
In unofficial human trials – the consumers of CBD, it is showing promise as a pain relief compound. Many people around the world, using CBD for other reasons, are reporting that their pain is subsiding as a side effect.