Spending Time on the Back Bay in Wildwood
How many of you visit the bay side when visiting the coast? When people head to the beach they’re most likely spending time on a barrier island which means there is a back bay on the other side (the side that faces the mainland).
When down at the New Jersey Shore we rarely spend time on the bay side…so on a rainy day we decided to investigate the back bay area. As we drove around we realized that we were really missing out!!!
We discovered several restaurants and fish shacks that we didn’t know existed! We walked around on some beautiful docks and had the opportunity to check out several beautiful docked fishing boats and yachts. Sam enjoyed chatting with the fishermen as they unloaded their haul for that day.
There were some beautiful million dollar homes in some areas and then smaller homes in other areas…no two areas or neighborhoods looked the same. Matter of fact, the majority of the homes looked like older homes that had been there for decades. Yes, some newer, larger homes sprinkled in too.
It was fascinating to learn that the back bay area is a haven for wildlife! You’ll fine a lot of different seabirds, crabs and turtles that thrive in the bay. There are signs on almost every block asking drivers to drive slowly due to turtles crossing the street. I’m a turtle lover so I was really happy to see these signs and YES…we did see a few Terrapins crossing the street.
After spending 2 hours on the back bay we headed down to the south end of the island for dinner. One of our favorite places is called Two Mile Landing Crab House & Restaurant. They have an OLD SALT figure out front to help guide motorists down the street and into their parking lot. Isn’t he cool? He’s shown in the photo below.
We’re very blessed that now that we’re older and more stable in life that we can travel around and see different things. It’s nice that we ONLY live 3 1/2 hours from the Jersey coast and can go down there several times a year to enjoy the shore. Plus, I can share our adventures with all of you here on the blog.