Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Spikes
I love gardening and that includes growing a lot of indoor houseplants. Every spring and fall I like to spend time transplanting my houseplants into larger pots, replanting the baby plants into new pots and feeding my plants. How many of you enjoy indoor gardening?
* The product being featured today was personally purchased by the writer. This post is NOT sponsored by any company or brand and contains affiliate links.
A lot of my friends & family members say that I have a green thumb. Well, not really. I just happen to use the right products and I maintain a schedule when it comes to caring for my indoor houseplants.
One product that I highly recommend to others is the Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Spikes. This product helps your plants grow healthy and strong. Each spike will feed one plant for up to 2 months. With that said, I only use them twice a year…unless I’m having an issue with a specific plant then I might use them more frequently.
Each package comes with directions to teach you how to use them. Basically, you’ll use the included plastic aerator to make a hole in your soil, place the spike down into the hole, cover it up with soil and then water your plant. For most indoor plants you’ll use one spike but if you have a large planter…you may need to use two or three per container. That’s it, you’re done!
In the photo above you’ll see four baby aloe plants that I transplanted into a new pot with fresh potting soil and I inserted a new plant food spike. Those four baby aloe plants came off of my HUGE aloe plant that I keep in my sun room. A healthy plant will produce a ton of babies for you!!!
I’ve faithfully been using the Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Spikes for about four years now and I swear by them! Within 4-6 weeks after I started using them I saw a dramatic improvement in how my indoor plants looked! Frankly, they all look healthy and strong. As an added bonus, many of my houseplants spawn off babies which I replant into new pots and give away to my friends and family.
Where do I get these little miracle spikes? Well…I personally buy them from Amazon at a really great price. You can also find them at your local garden centers and home stores. (I find that they’re cheaper from Amazon).
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