5 Warning Signs of a Collapsed Sewer Line
In 2019, the sewer industry brought in $47 billion in revenue.
While it’s an expensive industry, sometimes it doesn’t always function the way it’s supposed to and it can break down.
Clogs are a pain, but not the nightmare that occurs with a main sewer line clog or collapse. Discover the warning signs of a collapsed sewer line here.
1. More Backups
If you’re having more toilet backups and your bathroom is getting soaked in disgusting water, you’ll likely have to call a professional resource, like this plumbing company. However, if this happens over and over, it may be a sign the sewer line collapsed or is clogged.
You’ll most likely notice a problem with the plumbing in the basement first. This would be the one that is closer to the main sewer line. if it’s clogged or collapsed, it has nowhere to go.
Then the water will reverse and drain wherever it has the least resistance, which is normally your basement.
2. Bad Smells
If you notice a bad smell coming from your plumbing, then it might be a sewage problem.
Have someone check it out as soon as possible and make sure there are no obvious cracks. Cracks can be caused by any kind of thing, and they can leak harmful odors into your home.
If you threw something down the drain that smells, you may not have to call anyone. But if you can’t identify the smell and it won’t go away, you’ll need professional help.
3. Slow Drains
If your drains are slow to empty the water or don’t drain at all, it might just be a plumbing problem.
However, if a plumber can’t fix it, you may need to figure out if there is a problem with the main line.
Don’t use a drain cleaner because if it is a problem with the main line, and a drain cleaner won’t be able to fix a collapsed pipe. In fact, it may make it worse.
4. Wet Lawn
Do you wake up every morning and notice that your lawn is soaking wet?
The main sewage line will be located outside, and it can actually change your lawn, especially if a pipe is broken or corroded.
The dirt from the lawn can rush into the water and contaminate it. The water will also start to leak out of the pipe, which will make the ground saturated. The lawn may even start collapsing with water or create standing puddles.
5. Clogged Toilets
Lastly, if your toilets are clogged, it could be a problem with the sewage line.
The problem may be on-and-off so you should make sure that you keep an eye on it. If it’s multiple drains, it’s most likely a sewer line problem.
Discover More Signs of a Collapsed Sewer Line
These are only a few of the signs of a collapsed sewer line; there are many more.
If you notice any of these signs, you should make sure that you get it fixed as soon as possible to prevent further damages.
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