Five years ago I became officially handicapped and received my handicap-only parking plaque and ID card. We keep the parking plaque and sticker on our car at all times. I carry the ID card in my wallet and never leave home without it. I can no longer walk long distances and need up front parking when I’m out in public places.
One thing that I’ve noticed over the past five years is how disrespectful people are when it comes to snagging up those designated (marked) parking spaces when they don’t need them nor are they authorized to use them. I’m talking about LAZY ASS people who want to run in and out of a place of business quickly…pull in, park, get out and run in…come out minutes later and hop back into their car. Of course this also includes the lazy people who park in those spaces and shop all day too.
Those designated spaces are there for an important reason and there are local and state laws that govern them. You can be fined for parking in them when you don’t have any identification on your vehicle stating that you need that space!!! I’m 100% supportive of disabled people and those spots are reserved solely for them!
On a monthly basis I have “mouthed off” or reported people who were using those spaces who didn’t need them. I’m tired of it!!! I can’t drive around for an hour waiting for your butt to leave nor can I park 9 rows or 6 blocks away. If you don’t have a handicap parking permit you don’t have any business using that space and I don’t give a crap how “quick” you say you’ll be.
If you don’t have an official handicap parking permit then don’t park there!!! Keep on driving by until you find a space…but keep your butt and your vehicle out of that space! I’m tired of the laziness and disrespect that I see going on and its getting worse!
When you see people doing this please take the time to report them to store managers, mall security, etc. Call the non-emergency line at the local police department and REPORT THESE FOOLS!!! I use my cellphone and I snap a few photos and use them as proof when I report. Why you might ask? Well, the lazy fool might come out and drive off before security or the police get there. Make sure you snap a pic of their plate so that the police can run that down. Again, there are laws governing this and its time that these law breaks face the music!
For the lazy-ass people who do this…how would you feel if one day you become disabled and over & over you have issues finding disabled parking spots? How would you like to walk 9 rows to get into the store with chronic pain? Two major joint replacements? Short of breath? Come on now!!! Quit being self-centered and start thinking about your fellow human being who may be hurting!!!
Thank you for letting me vent today…I’m just fed up with this type of disrespect and like I said, its becoming more and more of a problem every where I go. It just needs to stop!
I agree with you too. My husband had a handicapped sticker and could not walk without a walker. It was very hard on him when he could not park close by.
This ticks me off too. I our area they have volunteers who work for the police department and they patrol random parking lots and give out tickets to people who park in handicap parking spots with no permit it is like a $600.00 ticket. I still see people using those parking spots though who should not be using them.
I 100% agree with you. I never have parked in one but did not even give it a thought until my SIL became disabled with lung cancer. She could just walk to the store from the closest handicapped spot. But when we couldn’t find one… I would have to drop her off at the door and park where ever. That was eye opening to me. I am one of your advocates too.
I too get upset when I see Handicapped spaces being used by people that have no right using them.. No sticker or tag anywhere on their vehicle taking up the spot someone who really needs it can’t use :(.. My Husband and I are both disabled and have permanent tags.. Lots of times we run into this problem. Its so sad no respect!!! 🙁
Yep, I agree. I use a walker and it really irritates me when the person in the next space (not handicapped parking, just next to it) parks half in the area with lines next to the handicapped spot. That area is there because handicapped people often need more space to exit the vehicle. Walkers and wheelchairs require that space, so don’t park in it. I’ve even seen people park motorcycles or bikes there. And don’t use it to leave shopping carts in, either. There, that’s my rant added to yours, lol.
My husband got a handicap card a couple of years ago and if we go somewhere where all of the handicap parking spaces are taken he will check to make sure all of those cars have handicap cards and if they don’t he will tell the manager. They never do anything about it. One time he called the police and instead of giving the guy a ticket or having his car towed he just told the owner he shouldn’t be parking in a handicap parking space. When I use our car alone I don’t park in the handicap space because I can walk fine.
My Mother has OA and RA. She is 75 years old and has had two knee replacements. She uses a walker to assist in walking. Otherwise she enjoys an active lifestyle. It is so frustrating for her to circle a parking lot at the mall, doctor office ect. while she waits for a parking spot, only to see cars parked in handicapped parking with no special permits. It is just wrong! My opinion is the fines need to be increased as a way to ward off this rude and harmful behavior.
By the way, I am sorry you live with pain.
I have a handicap hang tag. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and some days I’m fine and find another parking space. But on the days that I do need to be closer I need to be closer.
Totally agree with you, of course I am one of those people that need that handicap space. First thing why don’t you have handicap license plates? In WV our hanger says remove when driving. I think a lot of place need to do some counting and make more handicap spots. Today when I was out I pulled into a spot at krogers next to one of those “Parent with child” spot. As I was getting out of the car I watched a man pull in and jump out of his truck… no kid. While I was in my cart shopping I saw the guy he had a 24 pack of water on shoulder and picked up a couple of deli chickens. If I pull in to a store and cannot find a handicap spot I go to another store.
It’s really out of control. I understand that the police & security guards are busy but this needs to be cracked down on. I saw a women and a teen aged girl use one of those parent with child spots and that irked me off. I’m sorry but a teen age girl can walk just like the mom/woman who was with her. Those spots are taken advantage of too.