Cat Toy Cleaning Tips plus Mylar Crinkle Balls

Cat Toys - Mylar Crinkle BallsOur little Romeo loves to play like most kittens. He’s not shy and loves to be the center of attention. He loves to be around people and often forgets that he’s a cat…not a human! During the past few months we’ve purchased a lot of cat toys and some of them have been big HITS while others have been duds.

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As pet parents its our job to keep our animals healthy and one way to do that is by keeping them active. We regularly play with our little guy and every week I rotate in/out the toys that we give to him. By doing toy rotation…it keeps him from getting bored.

Cat Toys - Mylar Crinkle Balls

One of Romeo’s favorite things to play with are those Mylar Crinkle Balls that make that “crinkle” noise when played with. He will toss, chase and fetch those balls several times a day. When purchasing them you have to make sure you select the right size for your animal. He’s a growing kitten so we purchase the 1 1/2″ to 2″ diameter balls. They’re perfect for his age.

You’ll want to select quality-made crinkle balls that don’t fall apart easily. Our little boy can play rough with them and I don’t want to find pieces all through my house or within his mouth. That could be dangerous! Make sure they’re colorful which will attract their attention.

The ones that we had purchased from our local pet supply store were expensive and shoddy-made. I trashed them within a week. I then went over to Amazon and purchased a Set of 6 Mylar Crinkle Balls and they were a hit! They’re really well made and affordable! If you have Amazon Prime they’ll arrive within 2-3 business days and ship for FREE.

Cat Toys - Mylar Crinkle Balls

Since we rotate Romeo’s toys we change out the color balls on a weekly basis. One week he gets the yellow & green ones. The next week the purple and teal ones. The following week the red and gold ones.  While its the same toy…they look different due to the colors! I keep 3 plastic shoe boxes in our closet and have them labeled with Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and that’s how I keep track of the cat toys that I’m rotating on a weekly basis and how I store them.

Here’s another tip: Keep your pet healthy by regularly cleaning their toys! I fill up our kitchen sink with soapy water. I let them sit for 5-10 minutes, hand wash and then thoroughly rinse them. Air dry. He has washable blankets, pet beds, pads, stuffed animals, balls, etc. that he also plays with. I toss those into our washing machine (gentle cycle) and dry on low heat. I only use natural soaps and cleaning products when dealing with Romeo’s items.

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