5 Sure Signs It’s New Couch Time
The average American adult sends up to 6.5 hours per day sitting, mostly on the couch. As a result, there’s a good chance your couch is going to take a beating over the years.
While this is true, you may be so used to our existing couch that you don’t even realize it is time to invest in a new one. That’s why it is a good idea to get to know the signs that it is “couch time,” that is, it is time to purchase a new couch.
You Have a “Sinking” Feeling
Have you recently gotten that feeling that you are being swallowed by your couch? Does the upholstery in place no longer support you? If so, it’s a sign that replacement is imminent.
An all-fiber filling is susceptible to flattening out the more you use it. If this has happened to your couch, it’s time to invest in something new.
The Couch No Longer Fits the Room
Do you still have the couch you used in college? If so, there’s a good chance it is time to get rid of it by calling a professional removal service, such as www.samedayrubbishremovalmelbourne.com.au to haul it away.
However, you may also have a couch that is too large for your living room, blocking the views from your windows, air vents, or something else. In either situation, it’s time to adopt the philosophy “out with the old, in with the new.”
Your Sofa Creaks
This is a clear sign that the framework of your couch has begun to break down. There are some manufacturers that guarantee the couch frames for the life of the furniture; however, if you have a piece that has a chipboard/LDF or metal frame, it’s going to deteriorate as time passes.
It’s Itchy and/or Smelly
Unless you have been diligent about keeping pets, sweaty people, kids, and more off your couch, there’s a good chance it has a not-so-pleasant odor. In fact, odors may begin to build up in the padding under the upholstery, making it virtually impossible to get rid of them.
You may also notice that the fabric has begun to feel itchy or even notice red welts on your legs. If this is the case, the issue may be bedbugs. This is definitely a sign that you need to invest in a new couch.
The Color is Mostly Stained
While this isn’t the only reason you should purchase a new sofa, it is a pretty compelling one. However, if the frame is still intact, it may be more affordable to have it reupholstered.
Is it Couch Time?
Is it couch time for you? If you have noticed any of the issues mentioned here with your couch, then the answer is probably a resounding “yes.”
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