How many of you are dog owners? We don’t own a dog but we do help to take care of our grand-dog. We’re 100% dog lovers and if we had the time…we would definitely own one.
With that said…we’re pretty disgusted with the laziness that we see with dog owners in our neighborhood. We often see them out walking their dogs and letting them take a crap in everyone’s front yard, on the sidewalks, the side of the street, etc. I understand you can’t control where your dog decides to take a poop…but you can certainly CLEAN UP AFTER THEM!!!
Several neighbors in my development who don’t own dogs have complained to the township about the lazy dog owners in our neighborhood. Those complaints haven’t improved the situation. A few of us went out and purchase yard signs that state you have to clean-up the dog waste and/or signs that state dogs are not permitted on their yard/property, etc. Again, this hasn’t helped either.
Over the past 8 weeks I’ve actually photographed a few of these “bad neighbors” allowing their dogs to crap in our yards and on the public sidewalks and turned those photos into the township. Again, that hasn’t yielded any positive results! Ugh.
We’re really fed up with this now…so every time I catch one of the “bad neighbors” allowing their pooch to crap on my property I go outside and confront them. Yup, that’s what I’ve been doing. I don’t care if they now consider me the neighborhood b*tch or the old mean lady who lives down the street. Screw them! These pet owners are lazy and disrespectful to their fellow neighbors for the simple fact that this is going on and they know we’re fed up with it.
I told my husband that pretty soon I’m going to go the PUBLIC SHAMING route if these “bad neighbors” don’t get their act together by posting their “bad act” photographs on my Facebook page and Twitter feed. Perhaps that would stop it, but I doubt it.
How many of you have ever dealt with a situation like this? If you have…how did you resolve it? I’m fed up with it!!!
I completely agree with you. Most of my neighbors are very good about this. However, when the dog poop is not picked up I always seem to be the one to step in it.
Hi Shelly! Thanks for raising this big issue to clean up after your dog poop. As a dog owner, it is our responsibility to clean up dog poop from public places. I appreciate your blog. Keep posting such types of posts!
I know just what you are saying. I don’t have a dog so I don’t want to someone else’s mess. In Germany it is the law that you have to clean up after your dog. I liked that.
I don’t have a dog, but I do some dog sitting. I ALWAYS have the little bags and clean up after the dogs. Such disrespect from those people in your neighborhood.
I don’t blame you AT ALL for confronting them. I would do the same.That is rude and irresponsible and people like that shouldn’t own a dog if they cannot take care of it properly. You get them!
I have to say that most of our neighbors are very good at bringing their plastic bag to scoop up the poop. But it is a different story on the park trails and paths. It is hard for me to imagine that people can be so disrespectful of others.
We are dog owners and dog lovers and we take care of our babies. When I am in our local town and walking around I have to remind myself to always walk on the sidewalk where I can see because people walk their dogs down there all day long and they do not pick up after them and it makes me so mad too. I am trying to think what you can do. Install cameras to catch them in the act and take the video to the police department, city council, media, county code violation department. Home owner and tax payers have rights! I would also do this in regard to the people dumping trash on your property on a weekly basis.
We do the exact some thing Shelly! We own a dog and we are huge dog lovers. However we clean up after our dog and we expect others to do likewise. I have actually had to go into my very own frontyard and tell neighbors to pick up their dog poop, with their dog still their! The tenacity of some people is shocking.
Don’t think facebook/twitter would do the job. But a letter to the editor with a picture might.
I agree with everything you said. What really make me MAD is stepping in it! And if have on shoes with treads in all in the tread and you cannot wipe it off…………….