Over the past year I’ve been sharing with you some of my top 20 pet peeves and things that really irk me. Litter bugs are one of those things at the top of my pet peeves list!
My family enjoys spending a lot of time outdoors. We can often be found outside hiking, camping, lazing around on the beach, gardening, taking walks in the park and so forth. We love the beautiful outdoors!
With that said, I’m totally disgusted by lazy people who toss their trash out of the vehicle window, toss their trash bags along a back road because they don’t want to pay for trash removal services, leave their fast food bags & containers laying around and don’t get me started on those lazy-ass people who smoke and toss their cigarette butts anywhere they please. Ugh!
In just the past week I’ve personally seen:
* A feminine pad thrown onto a sidewalk outside of a shopping mall.
* Fast food bags & cups x 4 thrown throughout a parking lot, 2 more thrown alongside a road and 1 tossed in my freaking front yard.
* Bagged up trash thrown alongside a back road. There is a back road that leads into the back-end of our housing development and EVERY week people will toss their bagged up garbage alongside the road. This is household trash and these people don’t want to pay for trash removal services, so they drive along back roads and toss their bagged garbage alongside it for FREE pick-up by the township.
I’m a home owner and I don’t like paying $75 every 3 months for trash removal services but I do it because its part of my responsibilities of being a home owner!!! I’m freaking tired of these people getting away with crap like this!
* Cigarette butts, cigarette butts, cigarette butts! I don’t care if you want to smoke, that’s your business & your health that you’re destroying. However, you have no damn right to toss your cigarette butts anywhere you freaking please! If you smoke, clean up after YOUR OWN cigarette butts!
* Water & Juice Bottles, Soda Cans, Fast-Food Beverage Cups!!! What the heck people???? If you need to quench your thirst while you’re out and about…you also need to be responsible and dispose of your beverage-ware when you’re done! Its not my job nor anyone else’s job to pick it up after you’re done with it. LAZY!!!!
* Pet Waste – Okay, not normally thought of as “litter” but in my book it is! If you own a dog and/or a cat….it’s YOUR JOB to clean up their waste after they take a poop! Just because you’re on a public sidewalk, walking down a street in a neighborhood, walking them at the park or have them out running on the beach….IT IS YOUR JOB TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PET!!! Disgusting!!!
Three times a year my husband and I volunteer our time to help clean-up our neighborhood by picking up trash & litter. We do the same thing when we’re down at the beach house and volunteer to clean up trash along the beach. We do OUR PART in helping to keep our beautiful planet clean!
I’m sick and tired of lazy people and disrespectful folks who think they have the god-given right to toss their garbage out and litter whenever they feel like it. Here’s a warning to you: If I catch you doing it…I will snap a photo with my cellphone and I will report you to the police. There are “littering” fines and I will request that they slap one on you. I’m tired of it. Be a responsible adult and clean-up after yourself.
I agree with you. I cannot understand why people will not clean up after themselves. I want to live in a clean environment.
Totally agree with you. Twice a year that do a clean up in the river and it mind blowing what they pull out. You walk a long a creek and you look down and the trash.
Yes! It drives me nuts to see someone just toss trash out of a car window, for instance. I mean, just wait ’til you stop somewhere, right?? Every store, gas station, rest stop, etc., has a trash bin or a dumpster. Don’t just toss litter on the roadside. I see those signs on the side of the road that say fines of ‘whatever’ amount for littering, but I’ve never seen a driver pulled over for littering. I guess the odds are just in the litterer’s favor, because a police officer has to actually see the litter being tossed.
Absolutely right! I even have a long handled grabber that I use to pick up trash (not very good at bending over any more).
What is wrong with people? I just don’t understand. Nobody likes paying for garbage removal buy you do it. I like to live in a clean environment.Its puzzling like many other things these days.
That is a HUGE problem in SC and they have been trying to find a solution that works. I see it all the time and it really makes me mad!
I’m just really tired of it. I bet you we clean up our front yard 2-3 times EVERY WEEK. People just drive through our development and pitch their crap out of the window and into our yard.
I see litter constantly. For years our alley has become literally a dump. Code enforcement will go right by it. What ticks me off is when they dump in your yard though our code enforcement will fine the OWNERS of the property even though you can show them letters that were in the trash with the person who dumped it address on it. Here they love to give out fines rather than ticket who is doing it so they stop.
We have put up security cameras an ‘caught’ may including pictures of license plates ,
Amen sister preach on! As I was reading this post I was nodding my head yes yes yes! We live in a rural area and I can not tell you how many times I have driven down one of the rural roads that lead to our home and have seen couches thrown on the side of the road it make me CRAZY NUTS! These losers don’t want to pay the fee to take their crappy furniture to the dump! Oh and the trash don’t even get me started I hate seeing it along the side of the roads. Due to extreme fire danger where we live during the summer I lose sleep thinking about someone throwing a lit cigarette butt out the car window if a cop sees you here you are automatically arrested! If I see you I will take a picture and get your license plate number and my new hobby will be making sure you are arrested and fined! There have been stories on the local news about certain parks in town where people now have to watch out for drug needles in the grass that just about makes my head explode! These are places where families go to enjoy nature and where children play! Don’t even get me started on people not cleaning up after their animals when I see it I say something super loud to them! I think law enforcement really needs to crack down on this issue as it is getting out of hand in our area and sounds like your area too. Love it when you do these posts it is nice to vent!