How to Keep School Germs Out of Your Home

How to Keep School Germs Out of Your HomeEvery year when children go back-to-school the spread of germs begins. Every day that your child goes to school is another day that they’re exposed to nasty stuff that they can transmit home. It can be a vicious cycle of illness and doctor’s visits, but there are some things you can do to protect your child and your home.

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Tips on How to Keep School Germs Out of Your Home

1. Hand Sanitizer – Every child should keep one in their backpack and use it throughout the day when soap & water isn’t readily available. Teach your child how and when to use it.

2. Proper Hygiene – Children need to be taught about proper hygiene. Show them how to use a restroom properly. How to wash their hands with soap and water. How to care for their bodies properly in regards to cleanliness.

3. No Sharing – Instruct your child to NOT share their hair brush, combs, toothbrushes, lip balms, food, drinks, hats, clothing, school supplies, books, etc. with other kids. Teach them to just say NO!

4. Leave Things at Home – Only let your child take items to school that have to go to school! Don’t send in toys, show-n-tell items, etc. If they “insist” on taking items to school make sure you clean them or use disinfectant spray on them before they re-enter your home.

5. Avoid the Water Fountain – Although water fountains are to be cleaned daily…they’re not cleaned after each child uses it. Instruct children to avoid using the water fountain at school. These days most schools will allow kids to bring bottled water to school.

6. After-School Routine – As soon as your child arrives home have them remove their shoes & jackets at the door. Change out of school clothing & toss them into the hamper. Don’t let them lie on the floor! Head into the bathroom to properly wash their hands with soap & water for 3 minutes. Limit the touching of items in your home until the routine has been completed.

7. Homework – In my honest opinion…homework should be completed at a desk or kitchen table. Books, papers, backpacks, school supplies, etc. that were used at school can transport germs into the home. Don’t allow a child to do their homework while lounging on their bed! After homework has been completed wipe up the table or desktop to clean them.

8. Washable Backpacks & Gym Bags – Book bags and gym bags are loaded with germs! Think about all of those desks, floors, school lockers, the floor of the school bus, etc. that they come in contact with. Ewww! Clean the backpacks and gym bags regularly.

9. Lunchboxes – If your child carries a lunch to school it’s important that their lunchbox be cleaned after each use! Wash it out with soap and water…towel or air dry. Don’t re-pack it for the next day until it has been cleaned!

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  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I found this post to be very interesting. I did not realize how important it was to do some of these tips.

  2. Tamra Phelps says

    I agree that kids should be told to not share things like hats, clothing, etc., but I’d feel bad telling themto just say no about sharing anything, lol. I might stock them with extra pencils and tell them if someone wants to ‘borrow’ their pencil just say ‘keep it’, lol.

  3. susan hartman says

    Im going to read this list to my grandson tonight. Please don’t bring home germs!

  4. I really enjoyed reading this post and it was a great reminder for me. I will share this with my friends and family. It is so important to teach children these things while they are young.