5 Things You Must Do When Moving to a New State
Is there anything more stressful than an upcoming move? Yep! Moving to a brand new state.
But don’t forget that the process isn’t quite over when you arrive in your new home. Keep reading to learn about five things you’ll want to do right after moving to a new state.
1. Come up With an Unpacking Schedule
You spent hours researching how to pack in the most efficient way, and now all of your belongings are in your new home. What you didn’t know is that unpacking can be every bit as time-consuming as packing.
To make things easier on yourself, divide the task up into several days or prioritize the most important items. The more important the room or item is, the sooner you should unpack it.
While this won’t make unpacking any more fun, it’ll at least make it more manageable.
2. Make an Effort to Meet Your Neighbors
Did you know that most people don’t know their neighbors? Only about 30% of people interviewed in a Pew Research study said that they knew all of or most of their neighbors.
But there are tons of advantages to getting to know your neighbors.
For starters, it’s a great way to make new friends. Neighbors are also great for helping you out in a bind when you need a cup of sugar after the store closed or there’s a package waiting on your doorstep.
So don’t be afraid to get out there and meet your new neighbors! You’ll be glad you did.
3. Scout out a Route to Work
A new state means new traffic! To make sure you’re not late for work on your first day, take a drive to and from your place of employment in advance so you’ll know what to expect.
Ideally, this practice drive should emulate your actual schedule. So if you’d usually leave at 8 AM, take the drive around then so you can get an accurate sense of your new state’s traffic patterns.
4. Spend a Day Exploring
Moving to a new state doesn’t have to be all bad. Every state has its unique haunts and hangouts.
Take a day to get to know your new state, exploring all the tourist traps and things that come with a new area.
This is also a great way to break the ice with your new neighbors. Ask where they like to spend time so you’ll know what’s cool in your area.
5. Head to the DMV
If there’s one thing that’s more stressful than moving, it’s taking a trip to the local DMV. Still, you’ll have to update your registration, tags, and driver’s license as soon as possible.
If you don’t, you’ll risk getting a ticket. Seeing as moving is already expensive, that’s about the last thing you need.
On the plus side, plenty of states let you complete the process online, or at the very least, print out the paperwork in advance so you can make your trip a bit less painful.
Make Moving to a New State an Adventure
Moving to a new state isn’t always fun, but it doesn’t have to be a total nightmare. Make sure you do these five things to start things off on the right foot!
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