Two Classy Chics Week in Review December 6th

Christmas ReindeerToday is Friday, December 6th, 2019. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!

Quote of the Week: Efficiency is intelligent laziness. — David Dunham


25+ DIY Birdhouses and Bird Feeders Book
The Art of Watercolor Lettering Book
New Zealand Manuka Honey from Three Peaks
24-Hour Quilting Projects Book
Your Astrological Cookbook


THE SIMPSONS The Complete Nineteenth Season DVD
The Simpsons The Complete Seasons 1-20 Limited Edition Collection
5 Stocking Stuffers for Beauty Lovers
Animal Planet Shark Research Boat with 3 Sharks
Discovery #MindBlown Slimeology 101 DIY Kit

General Posts, Recipes, Crafts and More:

Craft Project: Capiz Shell Snowman Ornaments
The Best Front Door Ideas for Paint Color
Mom’s Snickerdoodle Cookies Recipe
4 Great Places to Visit for Christmas in USA
How Women Can Wear Jeans Like a Boss
Mailbox Monday Meme for December 2019
Mom’s Cranberry Orange Bread Recipe
7 Tips for Smooth Sailing on Your Next Cruise
The Historic Cape May County Court House
4 Reasons to Steam Clean Your Carpet

The official countdown to Christmas has begun. The crowds are getting larger and going any where near a retail store has become a nightmare. I’m not one of those type’s of people who enjoys shopping at a retail store during this time of the year. People are too rude and inpatient. I don’t like standing for an hour in a checkout line nor driving around for 2 hours looking for a place to park. I’m thankful that I started my shopping early this year and I’m just about done. How about you? How do you feel about shopping during this time of the year?


  1. When I shop this time of year, I try to get to the mall early or on weekdays. It is maddening just trying to park. I like to take my time and browse and that is not something that one can do with crowds.

  2. Tamra Phelps says

    My favorite thing might’ve been Mom’s Snickerdoodle recipe. I’m definitely a fan of cookies, especially snickerdoodles.

  3. Peggy Nunn says

    I do my shopping year round. I get stuff on sale whenever I see it. Then I get each person 2 or 3 very special gifts they want. People aren’t so rude right now. Everyone seems happy and in the spirit around here.

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I do like this quote. Christmas is so close. You do such wonderful work and I enjoy reading all your posts.

  5. What a fun week it has been on the blog. Thank you for all your hard work all year long I so enjoy coming to your blog daily and have for so many years now. Boy, time is just flying by I can’t believe it is already December 6th and I am so not ready for Christmas yet.