How Women Can Wear Jeans Like a Boss
It was not that long ago when wearing jeans to work was something you would only consider doing when there was a casual day announced where informality was encouraged but things have definitely changed in the workplace and jeans are a commonplace sight.
If you want to search out a great pair of jeans that fit the bill you might want to click here to view a collection of jeans suitable for all occasions.
When it comes to wearing a pair of jeans to work the style trick that you need to pull off is making them more sophisticated and professional so that you could easily be the boss, or at least win their approval as one of the team with your approach to workwear.
Here are some style tips to help you achieve that goal of wearing a comfortable pair of jeans while managing to tick all the right boxes in terms of dress standards and an acceptable level of formality.
Keep it dark
Probably one of the most important rules to stick to when you are choosing a pair of jeans that will be acceptable as workwear is to ensure that your choice is a dark wash.
It tends to follow that the lighter your jeans are in color the more informal they become and it is amazing how the same style of jeans can manage to look way too casual for a workplace setting compared to their dark wash counterparts.
A good test to check if your jeans pass muster as suitable office wear is to see if you might even mistake them for a dark navy pair of pants at a distance.
What you get with a dark wash pair of jeans is a look that is as crisp and clean, providing a far more professional appearance than a pair that is lighter or has been subjected to an acid wash finish.
Keep it simple and professional when it comes to choosing the right shade of jeans to wear in your office and that means going for a dark wash and avoiding any unnecessary embroidery or design options that stray away from what could be considered acceptable workwear.
Get the right fit
Next on the agenda once you have chosen a suitable dark color is the subject of how tight your jeans should be and what sort of cut is acceptable in an office environment.
Straight-leg jeans would be a great choice and it is also fine to consider skinny jeans as an option too, however, don’t be tempted to think that you could get away with anything resembling jeggings as that would be pushing informality too far in terms of office wear.
You might like wearing your jeans tight when you are going for a night on the town but wearing them that tight would be a major distraction in an office environment.
A sensible choice of cut would be a straight leg, which is a timeless classic, or you might be able to carry off a bootcut trouser style if it was accompanied by a smart tunic or a suitable loose-fitting blouse.
A bootcut style will often be fine with a pair of heels but be mindful that there is a fine line between bootcut and flared, with flared being a definite no-no in a professional office setting.
Your choice of footwear will make a big difference
It is definitely worth remembering that it is not the jeans you are wearing that are the sole contributory factor in whether you make the grade as a professional office worker with what you are wearing.
Your choice of footwear will help set the tone and it is hoped that you will already realize that you can’t attempt to wear anything like sneakers or tennis shoes and hope to get away with it.
Sandals are also too much of a stretch in terms of formality and if you are unsure what works best the default option is often a classic go-to pair of closed-toe pumps.
If you are looking for a bit of a pointer on how to choose the right combination of shoes and jeans you should find that your shoes need to be more pointed according to how wide the ankles of your pants are.
Keep it waist-high with your jeans
A low-rise pair of jeans is fine and dandy for a casual night out with friends but this style doesn’t pass muster in an office setting.
You should not be in any doubt that high-waisted jeans are the way to go if you want to pick the perfect pair that will look just right on you amongst your coworkers.
A blazer will complete the professional look
If you want to make sure that you accomplish a professional appearance while wearing a pair of jeans at work the way to do that is make sure you complete your outfit with a good quality blazer.
The combination of a pair of dark wash jeans, a crisp white blouse, and a navy blazer will all help to ensure that you could easily be the boss and will definitely be taken seriously, whatever your status.
Accessories can also make a difference
Almost there, you have the perfect color and cut of jeans for the office and have managed to pick out a great blouse and blazer combination, all that is left now to seal the deal is to use some carefully chosen accessories for a truly professional appearance.
A subtle and effective option would be to wear a nice silk scarf, which can often work better than if you wear a necklace, and if you tie the scarf in a classic French knot, your work is done.
As you can see, it is perfectly possible to wear a comfortable and stylish pair of jeans in an office setting and it is not that difficult to portray a professional attitude when you get the choice of jeans and matching items just right.
Now you are truly ready to wear your jeans like a boss.