Cat Toys: Interactive and Fun Collapsible Tunnels

Cat Toys Interactive and Fun Collapsible TunnelsApril 29th, 2019 is a day that changed our lives. On that day we decided to rescue a beautiful cat and make him a beloved member of our family. I admit, the rescue and adoption wasn’t easy and it certainly was expensive. However, the companionship and love that we’ve received from Tucker has been extremely rewarding. You can read our rescue and adoption story HERE.

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Our Vet has estimated that Tucker is approximately 3 years old. He’s a very inquisitive feline who loves to explore around the house and he really enjoys play time. We make it a point to hold 3-4 play sessions with him every day. It’s important to give them physical and mental exercise to keep them healthy. These play sessions don’t have to be long…our Vet advises 3-4 sessions a day at 5-15 minutes at a time. Whenever you have a few extra minutes…please devote them to your pet!

Over the past few months we’ve purchased numerous toys for Tucker with the majority of them being real money wasters. Some of those money wasters who just looked at and walked away…and others he played with for one day and that was it. Just like most of you, I hate wasting money!!!

Back in early July we purchased Tucker a fun 3-Way Collapsible Tunnel per the recommendation from our Vet. She explained to us that cats like to hide and they enjoy tunnels. We do a lot of traveling so we were looking for a tunnel that we could collapse down, was light-weight, and one that we could take with us when we hit the road. We found one at a great price and Tucker loves it! That’s right, he loves it and after 8 weeks…he’s still playing in it on a daily basis!

Cat Toys Interactive and Fun Collapsible Tunnels

The one that we purchased is a 3-way tunnel and in the center of it are 2 jingle balls on bungee cords. When he’s in the tunnel he can swat at the balls and play with them. From time to time I will roll a few of his other jingle balls into the tunnel and he’ll chase after them. It’s also a great place to hide a few cat treats from time to time and make him go searching for them.

When not in use the tunnel collapses down flat (within 3 seconds) and can easily be toted around in your pet bag, backpack. suitcase, travel bag, etc. You can easily move it from room to room in your home because it weighs next to nothing!!! Not only will cat enjoy playing in the tunnels…but you’ll find them cat napping inside them too!

There are several different companies out in the retail marketplace who make and sell these cat tunnels. You can purchase a single tunnel, a 2-way, or a 3-way tunnel for your furry friend. One of the best things about these cat toys is that they’re affordable and in my honest opinion, a great investment because I really believe that your cat will enjoy using it…just like our handsome boy Tucker who’s shown in the photographs throughout this post.

Our feline furry friends need more than just stuffed toys that smell like cat nip! They need cat toys that will stimulate their minds and provide some much needed physical activity. They love to play, run, and hide. They can do all three of those things in a collapsible tunnel and we highly recommend that you pick up at least one for your favorite friend!

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