Kid’s Crafts: Soup Can Lid Snowman Christmas Ornaments

Kid's Crafts: Soup Can Lid Snowman Christmas OrnamentsMy grandchildren, nieces and nephews love to come over to my house and work on craft projects with me. I enjoy spending time with them and teaching them skills that they can use later in life. Arts and crafts allow our children to be creative and let’s face it…they can be fun!

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Today’s project is what I call a “frugal craft project” because you’ll be upcycling soup can lids. When using soup can lids, you want to use the type of can opener that unseals the lid from the can, which produces smooth edges around the lid. You don’t want to deal with sharp edges! You’ll want to make your faux carrot noses a day or two ahead of time (see below).

Kid’s Crafts: Soup Can Lid Snowman Christmas Ornaments

Metal Soup Can Lid
Textured Faux Snow White Paint
White Acrylic Craft Paint
2 Black Plastic Buttons
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels
Quick-Drying Craft Glue
6″ Long Satin Ribbon
White Craft Foam
Air-Dry Modeling Clay
Orange Acrylic Craft Paint
Round Wood Toothpick

Take a pea-sized amount of air-dry modeling clay and roll it into a ball. Then roll it into a small log shape and smoothing it to look like a carrot. Use the end of a wood toothpick to make slashes in your faux carrot to give it texture. Lay it on a plastic lid to air dry overnight. Once it has harden you’ll paint it with 2 coats of orange acrylic craft paint. Let dry.

Paint the front of your soup can lid with white acrylic craft paint and let dry. Make sure you paint the outer edge too. Once dry, cover the entire front of the lids with the textured white faux snow paint. Let dry.

Kid's Crafts: Soup Can Lid Snowman Christmas Ornaments

Glue 2 black buttons onto the front to make the snowman’s eyes. Glue on his faux carrot nose. Dip the end of your paint brush into white acrylic craft paint and dot on the center of his eyes. Clean the end of your paint brush. Dip the brush into black acrylic craft paint and dot on his mouth. Let dry.

Trace around your soup can lid onto a piece of white craft foam. Cut out the circle (inside your traced lines). It should be slightly smaller in size as compared to the lid. Cut a 6″ piece of satin ribbon. Squeeze glue around the back side of your lid. Fold the satin ribbon in half and place it onto the back of the lid. Place the white craft foam circle on top. This will cover up the back of your ornament. Let dry for 1-2 hours. That’s it, you’re done!

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