Halloween Crafts: Painted Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkin Seashells

Are you ready for some easy and fun Halloween craft projects? If so, we’ve got an easy one for you today! We painted these large clam seashells with a group of children and adults ages 9 years up to 67 years of age! If you don’t have access to large clam shells, you could certainly use smooth river rocks. Once they’re done you can use them to decorate your front yard, front porch, displayed on a table inside your home, etc. Fun!!!

Halloween Crafts: Painted Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkin Seashells

Halloween Crafts: Painted Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkin Seashells

Large Clam Seashells
Craft Paint: Orange, Black, Dark Green and White
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels
Plastic Tablecloth or Old Newspaper
Mod Podge Clear Spray Sealer

Lay the plastic tablecloth or old newspaper down onto your work surface. Prepare your painting supplies, water dish, paper towels, etc.

Base coat your large clam seashells with 2 coats of orange acrylic craft paint and let dry for 30-50 minutes, or until no longer tacky. Just like carving real Jack-o-Lanterns you want each one to look different. You can use your black paint to make triangular-shaped eyes, upside down noses, weird-shaped mouth’s, etc. Be creative and come up with your own designs. Let the black paint dry for 30-50 minutes.

Some of our painters added a green leafy top to their pumpkins and other’s left the top plain. I’ve shown them done both ways in the above photograph. It’s entirely up to you and what you like best. Once the black paint has dried you’ll want to add the white colored inner eyes which helps the eyes “pop” and stand-out against the orange & black background. Let dry until no longer tacky.

Take your painted seashells outside and spray them with 1-2 coats of Mod Podge Spray Sealer with a glossy finish. You can use the matte finish, but I personally think the glossy looks better. Just my 2 cents on that! Let them dry for 3-4 hours and that’s it…you’re done! They can now be displayed inside and outside of your home as part of your Halloween decor!

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