Cheaters are NOT Welcomed on this Blog!
It has been brought to our attention that cheating has been going on in regards to giveaways on our blog. Companies sponsor reviews/giveaways as a means to market their business and their products. They don’t participate with blogs for the heck of it.
To run around entering a slew of giveaways, taking the prizes and reselling them on Ebay or other sites as a means to make money is WRONG. No matter how you slice it, its wrong! Those items could of been won by someone else who was genuinely interested in the company and their products. People who are doing this are committing FRAUD and it needs to stop. From now on things will be monitored a lot more closely on the TwoClassyChics blog to stop this. Those who have been caught doing this have already been banned.
If you’re a blogger…please double-check those who are entering your giveaways. There are a few people out there running around from blog to blog winning prizes and have set up shop online and is RE-SELLING those prizes as a business. Again, WRONG and we consider it to be Fraud and so do the companies.
Our Terms of Service Policy has been recently updated to reflect this change along with others. Please READ the policy before entering giveaways on this site.
Again…every staff member on this blog will be monitoring all entries from now on and double-checking them BEFORE a winner is even notified. Cheaters are banned and new cheaters will be banned promptly. This blog will not participate in sweepers running around from blog to blog winning prizes just so they can re-sell on an online site.
Thank you for your cooperation.