Frugal Bargain Shopping – Women’s Intimate Apparel

Frugal Finds and Hot DealsOver the past 2 months I’ve been re-vamping my wardrobe to get ready for Fall and Winter. This year I’m carrying a little bit more weight than what I normally do thanks to water retention & a kidney issue. Blah. Not fun.

Anyway, I set a budget and limiting myself to $500 to upgrade my wardrobe. To get the most for money…I decided to hit some of the discount department stores and outlets first. As soon as I walk through the doors I head to the clearance racks to see what I can find.

First up was a visit to our local Gabe’s which is a discount department store. They carry a ton of name brands at discount prices. Similar to a TJ Maxx type of store (for those of you unfamiliar with Gabe’s). When I go in there I find it to me hit or miss on the deals that I can find.

Frugal Bargain Shopping - Women's Intimate Apparel

This latest visit was a total HIT HIT HIT! I needed to get some new bras and I specifically wanted 2-3 bras that were support sport bras. We like to do a lot of walking, hiking, camping, riding scooters, etc. I wanted something comfortable and not fussy or fancy. I hit pay dirt!

I purchased 3 of the bras you see in my photograph. I paid $1.49 each. Yes, you read that correctly, a $1.49 each! I picked up one in each of these three colors: Natural, White and Black. Normally I don’t like bras with a zipper but wow…these bras rock! Really comfortable and easy to get on and off. While they’re not sexy, they’re fabulous every day bras! Can you believe that I got 3 women’s bras for $4.47 Wow!!!

At that same store I found a large bonus pack of women’s cotton bikini underwear from Hanes. They’re tagless and all in a raspberry color. Original price was $12.95 but I got them for $3.95 and guess how many were in the pack??? 6 pairs!  Perfect undies for every day use!!!

So ladies, what kind of great bargains and deals have you found lately? I would love to hear where you shop, what you’re buying and more importantly…what you’re saving!

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