Big City Living: 4 Ways to Stay on Top of Your Health
For some people, living in a big city is their ultimate goal. They see it on the large screen and want a piece of the action.
However, when it does arrive, it arrives with side effects that perhaps weren’t anticipated. These can range from everything from the fact that it’s hugely busy, right the up to the pollution factor. As such, living in a big city can wreak havoc with your health.
In this article, we look at several ways to improve your health if you are currently experiencing urban life.
Have Go-To Hideouts for Stress Management
The nature of big cities means they are fast-paced, and if recent studies are to be believed, then living in a big city can prompt more anxiety issues and make your mental health worse.
Well, here’s where you need to stay on top of the problem. As soon as you feel urban life is getting the better of you, have a list of go-to places. This might be a cosy café set in the beautiful Covent Garden, or it might be somewhere more rural such as a little corner of a local park. Either way, having that option to have a place to have a breather can just make things a bit easier to manage.
The Perils of Pollution and Climate Change
We have already touched upon this, and in truth, pollution could prompt an entire discussion of its own. It’s something that is apparently not getting any better, given the current political discussions going on around the topic.
From a health perspective, little needs to be said. Pollution is something that can cause all sorts of problems, with up to 90% of people breathing polluted air, but fear not, we’re not going to suggest that you walk around with facemasks. This is something that will only protect you from inhaling larger particles from the air.
Instead, just be careful about the times you venture out onto the street. Avoiding rush hour traffic means that you will avoid rush hour fumes, while instead of walking next to the road, try and take a detour through a park. Small hacks like this can make a world of difference.
Tuning Out Noise Pollution
We’ve just spoken about air pollution, but in truth, the P-word applies to multiple areas. Noise pollution is another one of these and like it or not, and big cities have plenty of this.
To make matters worse, noise pollution can result in all kinds of problems affecting your general health. For example, one study found that people living next to a noisy road had more of a chance of suffering a heart attack.
Rather than moving to a new house or apartment, start to think outside the box. Try and sleep in a room that doesn’t face the road and when you venture outside, try and wear noise-cancelling headphones.
Like we mentioned, have a list of places you can use to zone out and get away from the action as well. Parks are again an obvious option here, and if you happen to be based in a major city, they are probably closer than you might think.