Ditch The Daily Grind – 4 Ways To Improve Your Work-Life Balance

4 Ways To Improve Your Work-Life BalanceImage by Eunice Liu from Pexels

For many companies, it can be hard to create a positive work-life balance. While business-focused priorities are essential, it’s also important to create healthy boundaries and a safe environment where your workers are free to be the humans they are, with families, feelings, and lives outside of work. You can do this by curbing and managing stress for everyone in your office. Fostering an atmosphere of empathy and creativity will set the foundation for a healthy work-life balance. Check out the following tips to improve the balance in your office.

Create a less stressful environment

One of the least utilized but most effective ways to create a business space that is both innovative and safe is by reducing your stress as a business owner. Many have said that the team is only as strong (or as stressed) as its leader. One of the best ways to create harmony in your daily life, your expense management, and your office is by switching to a serviced office.

Serviced offices are all-in-one package deals that come with a flat monthly fee for rent, all utilities, furnished office spaces, on-site administrative services, and more. Rather than having to seek out space to rent, find utility companies to install services at your place of business, decorate, clean, and take care of all your mail and shipping needs, you can have one company do all of that work for you. All that’s left for you to do is move in and trust that someone else is taking care of the tedious work for you.

Trust your employees

Take care of yourself and your employees by valuing them when they are on the clock and when they are off the clock. We are, after all, human beings, not human doings. Allow yourself and your team to have lives away from the office by creating flexibility within schedules for emergencies and everyday occurrences like dental appointments and baseball games. Rather than demanding employees be at a desk in an office for a certain amount of time, set the expectations for what work should be completed by when, and trust that the people you have hired will meet them.

Set (and keep) boundaries

Model a good work-life balance to your team by setting healthy boundaries that pertain to your job. When you are at work, make sure you are fully present and giving one hundred percent every day. When you are not working, clock out and stay out. One mistake that many business owners make is being completely accessible all hours of the day and night. Allow yourself to have space from the office and a life beyond those four walls. Then, allow your employees to do the same. Enforce those boundaries by not doing work off the clock.


Yes, self-care is important even for the workplace. Prioritize health and wellness in your physical, psychological, and spiritual life. Make this a tenant of your business practices. Create time in the schedule for doctor’s visits and health evaluations. Respect the diversity of different spiritual practices. Workers who understand their value and importance as human beings are more likely to take care of themselves. Reinforce the value and importance of each member of your team so they, in turn, can properly balance their home and work life.

Though it would be impossible to maintain flawless harmony between work and the rest of your life, prioritizing empathy and human engagement over clock-punching will produce more successful workers and a more productive working environment.