Two Classy Chics Week in Review August 9th

Pink Flip Flops - SummerToday is Friday, August 9th, 2019. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!

Quote of the Week: Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery


$40 e-Gift Card from Stuck On You
Electric Milk Frother from ZULAY KITCHEN
Zoku Classic Ice Pops Mold


The Movie TOLKIEN on DVD
BESTEK M-Care Electric Toothbrush
BEST Gadget for Removing Corn from the Cob
The Best Freezer Cookbook

General Posts, Recipes, Crafts and More:

Craft Project: Painted Moo Cow Seashells
How to Create DIY Wedding Invitations
Chocolate Pudding Pops Recipe
Mailbox Monday for August 2019
Watermelon Acai Bowl Recipe
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting Air Conditioning for Your Home
Fun at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire
Home Canning: Traditional Bread and Butter Pickles
Keeping Your Home Secure When You’re on Vacation
Activities To Enjoy As A Family This Summer

Are you all getting through the summer heat? Just remember, the cold of winter will be here before we know it. Personally, I could live with this heat year-round as I despise winter and the cold. In my book, the hotter the better. How do you like to keep cool during the dog days of summer?

Last month I started school shopping for my kids and I’m about 1/2 way done. Hoping to get finished up by next weekend. The stores have been cray cray busy. Which reminds me, I’m already seeing Halloween, Fall and Thanksgiving items sitting on store shelves. Ugh. Way too early for that!