Snakes – Sorry, I Hate Them!!!
Do you like or dislike snakes? I personally hate them! I don’t care if their poisonous or non-poisonous…I don’t care if they’re someone’s pet or living in the wild. I FREAKING HATE SNAKES!!!
I’ve been told that God has created every animal for a reason and while I semi-understand that, I don’t know what the reason is for snakes! There are other animals and “methods” out there to deal with rodent population. In my opinion, we don’t need them but I’m sure a slew of scientists will say that we do.
When I was a child I stepped on a baby copperhead and had to be hospitalized for the bite to my foot. From that day forward, I’ve hated them. When I was visiting Arizona several years ago I encountered a rattlesnake which to this day gives me nightmares. Luckily I didn’t get bit that time around.
It’s that time of year here in the northeast where snakes are out of hibernation. They have been out and on the prowl for a few months now and I hate it. So far this season my husband has found 5 snakes, 3 of which he killed. The 2 non-poisonous ones he relocated a few miles away. Let me repeat this…I do NOT want any snakes running around in my yard. Not yesterday, today or tomorrow. NEVER, EVER.
I snapped these 2 photos from a distance on zoom which blurred them but there was no freaking way I was getting close to that pissed off snake. How many of you hate them? How many of you like them? Have you ever been bitten?