Activities to Enjoy as a Family This Summer
Summer is here, and it’s the time to be outside enjoying the sunshine (safely of course). Summer vacation is a precious time when you get to spend more time with your kids and enjoy a little bit of a slowed-down pace. It’s about having fun after the colder months, letting your hair down, spending free time feeling enlivened and grateful, and it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. The key to enjoying activities together as a family is to ensure that every participant is happy, safe, and willing to get involved.
Before booking activities with your family, always ensure that everyone wants, and is excited, to take part. Follow the suggestions below to create a full summer itinerary that will keep the whole family entertained and cementing memories for many years to come.
Hiking across some of the country’s most exquisite landscapes and national parks can be truly eye-opening for your young family. Get them involved by taking them walking and hiking, and ending up in wonderous spots overlooking areas of outstanding natural beauty. Pack enough drinks and foods to keep their energy levels nice and high, rehearse some fun topics and games, and decide upon where you’re going to sleep for the night. You could turn hiking into wilderness sleeping if you’re kids enjoy camping. If you are hiking with very young kids, don’t forget to choose the right baby carrier or baby hiking backpack. It’s crucial that you choose the right one as you really don’t want an uncomfortable and grumpy toddler or to give yourself a bad back!
The merits of camping need no introduction; it’s an age-old activity, and it’s adored by many, many people. It’s so important to get outside and distance yourself from technology now and again so that you can have a well-earned break to recalibrate and relax. Camping is fun for the whole family as long as there’s good fun, lively stories, a warm tent, and an array of good BBQ foods. Before the height of summer is upon you, look into hiring a campervan or caravan away from the city, so that you can take your family away for a week or so just to enjoy each other’s company.
A summer camp is a good choice too! Look for one that has licensed camp instructors, a jam-packed schedule of activities for the kids to enjoy, and one that caters to both new and experienced campers. Own or manage one? If so, you’ll want to look into Summer Camp Marketing to help you reach potential campers this year.
Wild Swimming
Free to do, wild swimming can feel amazing. It’s about getting out in nature and learning to love the wonder of the natural world. Of course, young children should be supervised at all times when they’re near water of any kind, but getting young children in the water can excite them just as much as playing sports or going to a water park.
If you like the idea of wild swimming, then be sure to make a day of it and go early so that you can play near the lake with soccer balls, potentially making a small campfire for preparing food, and some fun games like bug and animal checklists. If you have older kids, then allow them to invite a friend or two with along.
The Yard Space
Make good use of the yard space you have by building a treehouse, making a pool, clearing out undergrowth so that you all have more space to run around in, and add some fun sporting games like swing-ball, soccer nets, hopscotch, and an area for relaxation. A hammock, a swing, and a comfortable, cozy nook for reading, napping, and entertaining friends should go down a treat with your family members.